Snapshots of India #1


India Snapshots 4

Don't we all just like to nosy around someone else's house from time to time?

Just me?

A picture is worth a thousand words, or so they say.

When people ask me how often I go to India, they’re usually quite surprised to hear: every year.

Let’s be honest, even I’m quite amazed that I’ve managed to have at least one foot on India soil [albeit transiently] for each year of my life.

*And, yes, I am counting the time when we celebrated New Year’s and then deciding against sleep, headed to the airport to catch our New Year’s Day flight home*

That still counts, right?!


I think I’ve accumulated an impressive number of photos…not just from my recent trip but over the years as well.

I thought I would include a few from this year in a new little Snapshot Series.

India Snapshots 3

India Snapshots 2

Whilst shuffling between squares and marvelling at the marble, my mind wanders...


How many people share my footprints on this giant chessboard?

How many games have been played, won and disputed here?

How many Princes have ruled?


The Prince orders. The servants scurry.

Like pawns, rooks and knights, they obey.

His move, now their move.

Check mate.

Who wins?

The Prince surveys his kingdom from above.

Snapshots India 1

Until the next time,

Namaste, from Ananya


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