Back to 'school', back to September!


Happiness Jar - September - Namaste From Ananya

September, September!

End of the holidays.

Back to school.

And for a little while, it seemed to be the end of sunshine?!

Oh wait, that was just the Great British weather playing hard to get, like always.

So much so that this week, I've had to do a little bit of faking the sunshine, in order to make the sun shine.

Am I right?!


It's been a little while since I've been back from holiday and I should have got back into the swing of things.

Who can resist setting new goals to work towards at the start of a new month though?

So this week's 'Happy List' mixed in with a few 'FAFEs' also!

  1. Braving work on a Bank Holiday in order to get things DONE. (on the plus side, it was raining cats & dogs outside so at least I didn't feel too left out of any exciting outdoor plans!)
  2. Starting the 1st of September with a re-commitment to Yoga with Adriene's 30 day Yoga Challenge (for anyone who hasn't stumbled across her, I'd highly recommend her videos. I've bored my friends but her videos do just have the best combination of sass, enthusiasm and positivity to start or end the day with!
  3. Didn't completely lose my cool trying to learn a new skill this week...
  4. Faced a little fear and popped along to an Effective Altruism social and found some pretty likeminded individuals wanting to make the world a better place!
  5. Decided to try some place new and found a little bit of Santorini...hidden in West London!
  6. Put my heart & soul into a new exciting project which will be coming out very soon so keep your eyes and ears peeled!


School days for me may be long gone but I've realised we never really graduate from the university of life.

We'll all just be forever students, trying to do the best we can, pretending that we know we're doing!

Until the next time,

Namaste, from Ananya


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