Ping Pong's more than just a sport!


One of my all time favourite things to eat is dim-sum.

Ping Pong - Namaste From Ananya - Trio 1

It's almost been a decade since I first cast my eyes upon this place.

My friend and I were about to bid farewell to each other: I was about to head off miles from home whilst she stayed in London for university.

We actually stumbled across PingPong by accident but since then, we've  never looked back.

At first we didn't understand the concept.

So, you tick everything on the menu you want?

And then you'll cross everything off when you bring it?


a fair hefty shares of Dumplings later....and we were stuffed.

Since that first encounter, Ping Pong has remained one of my go-to places to eat if inspiration fails to strike.

Though Ping-Pong may not be typically authentic, if you do like trying out dumplings - then I'd highly recommend!

They even do take away!

To give a little insight -

...still craving more?

Until the next time,

Namaste | from Ananya xo

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Namaste 2016!


Back to 'school', back to September!