
See ya later, 2015!

Namaste From Ananya - See ya 2015!

I talked through my 2015 highlights over on Cider With Rosie in December.

Now and again, I like to look at things from a different perspective.

Namaste From Ananya - See ya 2015!

Only a few weeks ago, my friend and I met for a well-overdue catch up at Dishoom. I've written about it before but this was the first time I'd ventured out to the King's Cross branch, particularly for brunch time but immediately I remembered why I'd fallen in love with it the first time around.

The attention to detail is amazing : the metal water glasses, the [bottomless] chai served in typical transparent tumblers, the Hinglish [Hindi-English ;)] signs and again, the bindis stuck to the mirrors in the bathrooms. The whole place is a hidden Indian corner of London.

My friend and I both remarked that this was a new part of King's Cross we'd not discovered previously...and this is one of the reasons why I'll always love London.

You'll find it difficult to have covered everywhere in London since there's always be somewhere new to try, to visit, to observe.

Namaste From Ananya - See ya 2015!

On that note, what better way to view one of my favourite cities... than from the top?!

Namaste From Ananya - See ya 2015!

Namaste, 2016

2015 was hectic and challenging, yet fulfilling and productive.

Already 2016 seems like it'll be a year filled to the brim, not least for the fact that it's the year I, along with some other friends, enter the 3rd year of our PhDs!

Though it's a daunting prospect, 2016 also brings new hope and excitement for post-PhD (lab) life & that is reason enough to focus on the light that shines at the end of a challenging PhD journey.

Namaste, from Ananya

Though PhD life will most definitely be occupying a vast majority of my time this year, I want to still make writing here a priority.

2015 made it clear to me that though we may be consumed by external sources: work, people, family, there needs to be a sense of balance if we want to prevent ourselves from burning out.

This little outlet has helped me focus my creative energies whilst also acting as a cathartic release.

So what more can you expect from me over on the blog, this year?

After my little epiphany, there'll be just more content that I love.

Food | Causes | Thoughts,

a few more passion projects 

& a few more of something else... watch this space!

Until the next time,

Namaste, from Ananya


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