Share The Love - The Sunday Pep-Talk #10


It’s February - it can only mean one thing -

Share The Love.


Namaste From Ananya - Share The Love - The Sunday Pep-Talk #10

Oh hi there!

After a slow January, getting back into things, I welcomed February with open arms as my ‘new year, reset’. Share The Love - definitely, but we’ll get onto that later….;)

I’ve mentioned before, but my birthday falls exactly 6 weeks into the new year, so I’ve always found it a convenient time to get back into things; pressing reset, just in case January hasn’t gone exactly to plan. And let’s face it, I spent the first week of January still enjoying myself, catching up with loved ones.

It was only until the middle of January that I realised it might be time to go about setting those intentions which leads me onto:

NFA - The Podcast

You may know by now….I have a podcast!

The first season started out as a bit of an experiment.

A no-pressure - let’s just see how this goes - and see whether I can do this.

But then I actually started to really enjoy it and my aim for this year is to fill it with a sunday pep-talk but as well - with inspiring interviews.

I have a long list of people I’d love to have on but I’m all ears for suggestions too!


...before we go into Share The Love

I AM working on getting the episode up on different podcast platforms - let me know which ones you use: Stitcher/Acast/Google Play?!

& finally, I shall be introducing something new this week if you’d like to be the first to know. Make sure to follow along on Instagram.

Thanks for listening & reading along.

Now onto the actual pep-talk ;-)

Share The Love!

Take A Listen & See What You Think on iTUNES here


Click play & take a listen!

(Don’t worry, you don’t need to download SoundCloud – you can just press the play button on the inserted player below!) 

What did you think?

As always, I’d love to hear what you thought of today’s episode and what you'll be doing this week for yourself.

Fancy Some More?

If you liked this post, you may also like the

 Original Sunday Peptalk (Number 1)


Start Before You’re Ready

#3 Tell A Good Story

#4 Listen To Your Intuition

#5 Just One Day

#6 Be Humble, Be Wise

#7 Take Time To Realign

#8 Be A Work In Progress

#9 Embrace Your Ands 

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Until the next time,

Namaste, from Ananya xo


The Monthly Valentine - The Sunday Pep-Talk #11


Embrace The Work In Progress Status - The Sunday Peptalk #8