The Monthly Valentine - The Sunday Pep-Talk #11

Introducing something a little later than expected: The Monthly Valentine!

Namaste From Ananya - The Monthly Valentine - The Sunday Pep-Talk #11

Namaste From Ananya - The Monthly Valentine - The Sunday Pep-Talk #11

The Delay

Due to a week off for my birthday which turned into the flu and its aftermath! Whoops. But we’re back. After a reset....And then another unintended one! BUT I’m back and also introducing something pretty exciting. And since I had planned on sharing it after my birthday, I’ll just go with sharing my original message

The Original Message (with a few additions!):

So first of all Birthday WeekAs i mentioned previously, 14th February will always be my day to restock - however ill I may be. Not just because it’s my birthday but also because the 6 weeks into the new year offer me a chance to reflect.It also presses reset for a new year.


I’m a big advocate of sending letters of appreciationI find such joy in doing so.I also wanted to offer some sort of resource to you - the listener or the reader for my blog.

The Monthly Valentine.

Take A Listen & See What You Think on iTUNES here


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(Don’t worry, you don’t need to download SoundCloud – you can just press the play button on the inserted player below!) 

What did you think?

As always, I’d love to hear what you thought of today’s episode and if you're interested in The Monthly Valentine!

Fancy Some More?

If you liked this post, you may also like the

 Original Sunday Peptalk (Number 1)


Start Before You’re Ready

#3 Tell A Good Story

#4 Listen To Your Intuition

#5 Just One Day

#6 Be Humble, Be Wise

#7 Take Time To Realign

#8 Be A Work In Progress

#9 Embrace Your Ands #10 Share The Love 

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Until the next time,

Namaste, from Ananya xo


NFA Podcast Season 2: Episode 1


Share The Love - The Sunday Pep-Talk #10