Embrace The Work In Progress Status - The Sunday Peptalk #8

Embrace The Work In Progress Status

Embrace The Work In Progress Status - Namaste From Ananya - Sunday Peptalk 8

Embrace The Work In Progress Status - Namaste From Ananya - Sunday Peptalk 8

I do always love September as it gives more weight to the ‘Work In Progress’ status. September is often described as the ‘Other January’ and a chance to revisit those goals and intentions for the year. It also marks 4 months left of the year (eek?!).

But with September, comes an added pressure to ensure we complete everything we’d set out to in the beginning of the year. Although that can be a great incentive, I definitely think there is an added bonus of embracing the ‘Work In Progress’ Status.

Here’s why:

What Does The 'Work In Progress' Status Mean?

Work In Progress to me will always first and foremost be associated with my PhD days.

I’ll let you listen to this week’s episode to find out why.

But more recently, as I’ve completed my PhD, I’ve started to find the phrase ‘Work In Progress’ relate to other aspects of life.


This Week:

What aspects of yourself can you be kinder to yourself and others?

What aspects of yourself will you embrace this ‘Work In Progress’ status in?

What did you think?

As always, I’d love to hear what you thought of today’s episode.

Have you been feeling a similar way?

Do you feel pressured to complete everything to perfection as soon as possible?

Have you had a chance to embrace this work in progress status?

How will you be taking it into your week ahead?

Will it become a part of your creative process?

If so, do share below!


Fancy Some More?

If you liked this post, you may also like the

 Original Sunday Peptalk (Number 1)

#2 Start Before You’re Ready

#3 Tell A Good Story

#4 Listen To Your Intuition

#5 Just One Day

#6 Be Humble, Be Wise

#7 Take Time To Realign

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Until the next time,

Namaste, from Ananya



Share The Love - The Sunday Pep-Talk #10


Take Time To Realign