Take Time To Realign

Take Time To Realign

Have you managed a break this summer to

take time to realign?

Maybe not the whole summer, but have you had a couple of hours to yourself to press pause and reset on some personal projects or work?

Why's that important, you ask?

This week's episode comes from my recent trip to Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

take time to realign - Namaste From Ananya - Sunday Peptalk 7

take time to realign - Namaste From Ananya - Sunday Peptalk 7

Read on for some lessons I took away from The Fringe including the importance of

taking time to realign! 

Take Time To Realign

Any project, creative or not requires some thought and attention. Would you agree? I think it's necessary to just take time to realign in sporadic bursts.

But somewhere in the midst of creating, we can sometimes fall victim to that addictive need for validation.

Lessons From The Fringe

This week's episode centres on the lessons I learnt from The Edinburgh Fringe.

 Mostly, they helped me solidify what it truly means to create for the love of creating.

There's something pretty brave about not caring about how you'll be received but just doing it because you know it to be true for you.

Take A Listen & See What You Think

Click play & take a listen!

(Don’t worry, you don’t need to download SoundCloud – you can just press the play button on the inserted player below!) 

What did you think?

As always, I’d love to hear what you thought of today’s episode and how often you take time to realign.

Have you had a chance to take time to realign? Is it a part of your creative process?

If so, do share below!

Fancy Some More?

If you liked this post, you may also like the

 Original Sunday Peptalk (Number 1)

#2 Start Before You’re Ready

#3 Tell A Good Story

#4 Listen To Your Intuition

#5 Just One Day

#6 Be Humble, Be Wise

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Until the next time,

Namaste, from Ananya



Embrace The Work In Progress Status - The Sunday Peptalk #8


Be Humble But Be Wise - The Sunday Pep-Talk #6