Tell A Good Story - Sunday Pep-Talk #3

Tell A Good Story

I truly believe we’re all storytellers. The question is though, are you telling a good story? This episode is perfect for anyone needing a little boost…since we all have the potential to be great storytellers!

ell A Good Story - Namaste From Ananya - Sunday Peptalk

ell A Good Story - Namaste From Ananya - Sunday Peptalk

How has everyone’s week been? Did you Start Before You felt Ready?

The great thing about putting an intention out into the world (for me at least) is that now I’m left accountable if I don’t follow through (great tactic, noted!)

I’m happy to report back I did indeed tick off a few niggling tasks I’d been waiting for ‘the right time for’ and may have taken a few steps in the right direction for a new and upcoming project.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you can catch up on last week’s episode here.



This week, I wanted to talk about the power of storytelling & how it can shape our view on basically every event that happens to us.

A simple shift in the story we tell can have powerful results.

I’ve noticed it in my own mindset as well as others.

A Reminder

From time to time though I forget the subtle difference between the facts and the story.

So I figured I’d try and consciously focus on it this week’s episode:

Tell A Good Story

We have full control on how we choose to see the events that pan out in front of us.

Are you telling a good story?

If you liked this post, you may like the

 Original Sunday Peptalk (Number 1)


(Number 2)

Start Before You're Ready

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As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts:

What stories do you want to get rid of?

Are you a good storyteller?

Until the next time,

Namaste from Ananya!



Listen To Your Intuition - Sunday Pep-talk #4


Start Before You Are Ready - Sunday Pep Talk #2