Start Before You Are Ready - Sunday Pep Talk #2

This episode is perfect for anyone who’s needing a gentle nudge: let's go & start before you are ready!

start before you are ready - the sunday peptalk #2

start before you are ready - the sunday peptalk #2

From my previous post, I mentioned that it’s often those Sunday evenings where I’m wanting a little extra power to fuel the week. You’ve planned the meals, you’ve set out your fitness intentions but what about the positive self-talk?

Because really we’ve all got two voices within us –

That egoic voice constantly making excuses:

You’re not ready

You need to do _____ before you can do that!

Don’t be silly, that’s such a ridiculous idea!

What will people think?

I could never do that

And the quieter intuitive voice, ever calm, ever present:

This is the right direction.

Let’s try something, let’s try this.

More so than ever, we have so many things that can distract us from that inner guide. We can scroll away the inner voice with a few taps and immerse ourselves in watching other people living out their purpose or following their own intuition. But then, cmparison hits and we realise – wait – I could do that! I can own the business, start the blog, get that job, go on that adventure.

There are things we’re all putting off in fear of judgement.

Maybe this spoken word can act as a gently reminder to

Just. Start.

Start, before you are ready. Wherever you are.

If you liked this post, you may like the Original Sunday Peptalk!

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As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts:

Have you been putting off something?

What are you working on this week?

One last thing.

How did you like this new format? I'd love to hear what you thought. As I said before - any advice on recording software is definitely welcome! Or if it's just some feedback on this new format, feel free to get in touch!

Until the next time,

Namaste from Ananya!



Tell A Good Story - Sunday Pep-Talk #3