What to do when you find yourself really wanting to prove yourself to the aunties

What if people don’t like the way “I’m changing”?!
Hands up, if you’ve had this thought!?!

I bet you have.

So have I.

But are you asking the right questions?

he “aunties”, the “extended circle” — they are not the people we need to be convincing.

What you’re really needing to do is spend more time become so SOLID on the *thing*
— the secret relationship
— the secret project
— the next direction

all of which, you’re feeling a bit wobbly on, right?

Because, you care.


because our job is to keep growing and expanding intuitively.

NOT to spend time proving ourselves.

But to do that, we have to be able to trust ourselves to make the moves, to keep taking the action.


  1. Where are you feeling the need to prove?

  2. Where are you still feeling wobbly?

  3. What can you do to help yourself come back to you,

    to a place where you trust yourself to take action?

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