What do you do when you see someone with the life you want?!

Right, so let’s start with a true story here for some context.

👀 I used to sit and wonder

🤔 I used to watch & wonder

🧐 “But…how did *that* work?”

🧐 “But…how did *they* do it?”

There’d be countless people that were living their lives but some things didn’t quite make sense to me.

💭 Why was no one talking about how these people were living their lives

choosing their own partners

— choosing to go away from the “expected” career paths

— & do it so confidently

— & do it so…”respectfully” but also so firmly?!

💭where did they get this confidence from?

💭where did they find this unwavering sense of self belief from?

🗺️ where did the worried about “what people would say / do” go!?

It’s only years later, through my own journey that I’ve realised the following. And because I don’t want you to fall into the envy trap either. I want you to remember:

that confidence is cultivated

— that self-worth is built up

—that self-trust in one’s own decisions

☀️ that’s felt and radiants

when you’re solid in your own choices

🎁 So this is for you.

The younger version of me.

And for the version of you that also wonders whether there’s another way.

there is.

☀️& it doesn’t come from envy.

though it might help you find what you want (that’s for another day!)

❎ It may not be easy.

🗺️ the journey may come with challenges as you find your way

✨But you deserve to put the work in for you.

🙋🏻‍♀️ 🙋🏻‍♂️ 🙋🏻 So make sure you’re asking yourself the right questions.

Not, why them

But…how can it be true for me too?

If you’re in need of more tailored support to build that self-trust muscle, to deepen that sense of intuition.

Then, get in touch for 1:1 coaching.


What to do when you find yourself really wanting to prove yourself to the aunties


The Psych Yourself Up Playlist