Lessons from the 1st half of 2018

So June's come knocking on the door.

Lessons from the 1st half of 2018

 We’re already almost 6 months into 2018.

H O W     D I D       T H A T

H A P P E N ?! 

As we enter month 6,

Here are a few lessons from the 1st half of 2018

that I'll be taking into the remaining months of the year.

  1. Gratitude For The Seasons

Lessons from the 1st half of 2018

Early in the year, I mentioned that I was adopting a new mindset for 2018 (or at least, I was trying to!).

Slowing down, after several seasons of intensity was just right.

 I have to admit though, it was strange entering a new year synonymous with:

Resolutions, new goals and really going ALL out.

I felt somehow, guilty for not!

Many a time since then, I’ve gently reminded myself:

This was my season to rest and restore.

So if you’re in a similar boat.

Remember, your seasons don’t have to depend on the shade of leaves, or amount of #wisteriahysteria or cherry blossoms.


It is up to you only, to dictate what the seasons mean to you.

And in doing so, you have the choice to set the mood you’d like to adopt.

  1. Loosely Plan

I’m a planner by nature.

I’ve grown up with my Granddad repeating this mantra:

“if you fail to plan, you plan to fail”


although there are often times when planning every detail can have its advantages. Other times doing so can cause complications.


I’m a fan of setting intentions now.

The trick now is to stay flexible in case of unforeseen circumstances.

  1. Embrace Uncertainty

 Lessons from the 1st half of 2018

‘the quality of your life is dependent on the amount you’re willing to feel uncertain’

We’ve heard it all/scrolled through pinterest/instagram to have seen it all before:


<insert quote re. life being at the end of your comfort zone>


*permission to eye roll *

There’s a difference between scrolling past it and really living it though, isn’t there?

The reality of embracing uncertainty means to:

  1. Trust Your Intuition




the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.

"we shall allow our intuition to guide us"


5. Allow Space For Flexibility

With intentions comes a rough guide to going into each month with.

Loosely planning allows yourself a few ways to allow the intention to manifest

But allowing space helps you go with the flow.

And the flow is where the magic can happen.

The times when things just come into being effortlessly or in unexpected ways.


Without the space, you run the risk of missing the most fun you could have.

Or the most aligned move.

Or, the most compassionate way to deal with the unexpected.


It’s all too easy to assume these tips are for those going through life at a regular pace. And although this season is a lot sunnier for me, your current season may feel much more cloudy.

Namaste From Ananya - How To Stay Motivated When The Journey Seems Impossible

Namaste From Ananya - How To Stay Motivated When The Journey Seems Impossible

I get it.


There are and will always be seasons of grief or heartache.


I uploaded this photo on the 06.06.16

With the corresponding blog post here.

Lessons from the 1st half of 2018

This was when I thought that I had 6 months left of my PhD (of lab work)

to be clear, a PhD is usually funded (in the UK for 3-3.5 years), December 2016 marked the end of my perceived funding. Once you come to the end of your funding, things start to get uncertain.


When I took this photo.

I remember feeling pretty happy.

Hopeful in fact

– I was nearing the end – finally.

I knew there was a lot to do but I was, in essence feeling:

Gratitude For The Seasons

I had a very DETAILED plan:

to hustle really hard; get the lab work & experiments done.

Lessons from the 1st half of 2018

The problem was:

I hadn’t allowed any room for uncertainty.

What I came to realise is that no matter how much you may want to plan out every minute detail


There are always twists and turns around the corner

Though you may end up at your chosen destination,

The pit stops along the way will surprise you.


6th June 2016.

I set an intention to finish my lab work in 6 months.

By August, when my grandma became hospitalised, this intention faltered and by September when my grandfather suddenly passed away, quickly followed by my grandma,

I knew that my lab work wouldn’t be done by December 2016 as I’d initially hoped.

I had no choice but to embrace the uncertainty of running out of funding.


Processing grief also clouded my ability to trust my intuition.


Which meant I remained inflexible

in my way ‘out’ of the situation for a long time.

Happiness Jar October

Of course, somewhere down the line,

as the grief eased, so did my ability to just allow.


So from

Hi June 2016 -->Hi June 2018

What a difference 18 months can make.

June, 2018

I want my time with you.

Lessons from the 1st half of 2018


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Until the next time,

Namaste, from Ananya



The Psych Yourself Up Playlist


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