My family has always had a soft spot for Switzerland...& no, this has nothing to do with wanting to appear in Bollywood movie set on the Swiss Alps as an extra ;)

Namaste From Ananya - A Swiss Guide #1 - Geneva

So here's a little Swiss Guide: #1, starting with Geneva!

To Visit & Respect :: Palais des Nations

Within the Palais des Nations lies the UN Office at Geneva, the second-largest of the 4 major UN sites.

The UN at Geneva

[Below :: The Allée des Nations, with the flags of the member countries.]
Namaste From Ananya - A Swiss Guide #1 - Geneva

The Broken Chair

Across the street from the Palace of Nations, is a giant chair, by the Swiss artist, Daniel Berset.

At 12 metres high, the sculpture is shown to have a broken leg which is meant to represent the stand against land mines & cluster bombs.

Namaste From Ananya Geneva4

[Above :: Yes, smirking at the fact this chair is indeed giant size for everyone and not just vertically challenged old me ;)]

Out & About in Geneva ::

Namaste From Ananya - A Swiss Guide #1 - Geneva

Jet d'Eau

One of the most well known landmarks on Geneva is the Water-Jet or Jet d'Eau.

If you keep your beady eyes peeled, you may even spot it when flying over Geneva at 33,000 ft, since it's said to be visible from the well throughout the city!

If you opt to see it from land though make sure you take care not get drenched by the water since its sprays are known to attack unsuspecting individuals if the wind changes direction!

When in Switz, it's TIME 

World renowned for their craftsmanship, if there's any place to replace a watch, make sure it's in Switzerland!

Namaste From Ananya - A Swiss Guide #1 - Geneva

...It's okay, I found mine at Jardin d'Anglais...;)

The English Garden, Jardin d'Anglais, is home to only the monument national, Le monument national, but also the L'horloge fleurie or Flower Clock - which does actually work!

You can also stop off here for a coffee ;)

Namaste From Ananya - A Swiss Guide #1 - Geneva

Soak up ::

The views & take advantage of the Swiss transport system.

Namaste From Ananya - A Swiss Guide #1 - Geneva

Namaste From Ananya - A Swiss Guide #1 - Geneva

Before heading to

Château de Chillon

A cute island castle on Lake Geneva. It's on the narrow shore between Montreau and Villeneuve & is one of the most visited castles in Switzerland.

Namaste From Ananya - A Swiss Guide #1 - Geneva

Upon arrival

If you blinked & wondered how you'd ended up being transported into a fairytale, you'd be forgiven.

Indian timing had meant we were running slightly later than schedule, through no fault of the Swiss bus system, which, as always was running like clockwork. It did mean however, that we reached Chillon castle at my favourite time of day :: golden hour.

& didn't it just make the whole place look magical?

Namaste From Ananya - A Swiss Guide #1 - Geneva

So that's just a few of the main sights definitely worth a visit in Geneva!

Stay tuned for a Swiss Guide #2

Until then,

Namaste | from Ananya xo

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