Facing Fears in March


Namaste From Ananya-FAFEMarch162

Sometimes we're on fire with life.

And other times we're running on empty and stuck in a rut.

This scaredy cat of a shy girl realised that without facing any of her fears, she would be stuck in a rut, unhappy at life. All those quotes about life being at the edge of your comfort zone? Well. It was time to walk the walk. 

It'd been a while since I'd actively faced a few more of those pesky fears...

Fuelled on post-birthday enthusiasm I set about starting afresh.

So ,more for my own records than anyone else's, here's :

Facing Fears in March [2016, edition ;)]

1. Tried Something New

Signed up for [& made it to] a conference completely out of my field but something I've become increasingly passionate about : International Development

[technically this was at the tail-end of Feb, but I'll count it on here anyway!]

It also meant an opportunity to meet like-minded individuals.

I remember a time when I'd run a mile thinking of trekking across London to an event where I'd have to network with a room full of unfamiliar faces. However, I came away feeling so invigorated hearing other people talk with such enthusiasm about things young people, such as Ladan Takow, are doing to make a difference in the world.

I know I've mentioned Ladan before, but you can find out more about this inspiring young woman here.

Namaste From Ananya-FAFEMarch163

2. Public Speaking

Gave a Talk I was dreading

So... nervous old me did a talk to a building full of science experts...& survived to tell the tale!

3. Pushed the Boundaries in Order to Improve

Attended a Course to become a Postgrad STEM Ambassador


Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

These are some of the subjects that children and teens too often turn their nose up to [try saying that at full speed] since they don't seem 'cool'.

In addition, there's a misconception some of these subjects aren't 'for girls'.

As a STEM ambassador, my job is to encourage and convince more youngsters to give science a chance about communicating my own research to them in a fun and interactive way.

Part of the course though, did involve a lot of public speaking exercises such as pretending to address different scientific topics to an 11 year old audience...let's just say that particular aspect may need some work on my part.

But the crux was : Let's show off how cool science can be ;)

Namaste From Ananya-FAFEMarch161 

4. Committed 

I think for me, 2016 is about staying committed to goals & staying focused.

This little video I think sums up everything I want my blog to be: authentically Ana(nya), however scary that might be.


In line with staying committed, I completed Yoga With Adriene's 2016 #YogaCamp!

5. Honesty is the best policy

However hard it is, I'm trying to be a little bit more honest with everything I do.

Even if it's not answering one of the most common questions with the default answer:

Q. How are you?

A. Fine.


Have you faced any fears this month?

Have you tried something new?

What are your goals for April?

Until then,

Namaste | from Ananya xo

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