Have you ever had that moment of pure elation?


There is a moment:

when words leave us & we become enthralled in the present feeling & pure exhilaration.

I’ve experienced this moment a fair few times throughout my life, as I’m sure you have also.

The pure elation of finding a final exam mark, the endorphins that stick around following a marathon equivalent of any sort, or the exhilaration after watching a broadway show or your favourite band.

This is the feeling, I’m talking about.

Last night, I felt it at a concert by Ludovico Einaudi & prior to that, at Glastonbury.

Perhaps Einaudi is easiest for me to describe because I’m still buzzing from it.

 Because as one friend put it:

Mesmerising music that you can work to – sums it up quite well.

No lyrics to the music, yet everyone in the audience moved by unspoken words, spellbound into a trance of pure musical bliss.

Though this moment often seems unattainable, when captured, there is clarity in its pureness.

On Glastonbury :

“This is how life should be.”

Good health, friends & family, love of all things, especially the music.

 The Asian Destination :: Glastonbury 2014SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERA

No mud bath could ever dispute the fact.

On achievable the seemingly impossible final pass or degree classification :

'If you put every ounce of energy & immerse yourself with dedicated focus, results will follow.'

On the musical or the music concert

 NamasteFromAnanya-Have you felt it?

To feel an individual or group’s dedication & passion seep through into their audience can only be described as art.


Last night, I witnessed this at Ludovico Einaudi’s concert.

NamasteFromAnanya-Have you felt it?

We were in the back row & nearing the end of his second half, the audience was transfixed. We became one, as heads felt the notes that were being played with so much passion & energy. Heads moved in sync & there was a universal intake of breath as he dramatically concluded an incredible evening [of 4 standing ovations], followed by thunderous applause.




Its these snippets of pure magic that actually are what life becomes about.

And if we could bottle this amount of inspiration, emotion and exhilaration – I wonder what more wondrous things may come about.

Is it just me? Or have you felt what I’m talking about? What’s your own experience? I’d love to hear!

Until The Next Time,

Namaste | from Ananya xo

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