A Spoonful of Spring Happiness!


Namaste From Ananya - Happiness Jar March16

It's been a bit of a mixed month post-birthday to the present! However, I've also realised it's been a while since I've documented what I've been grateful for this week & since it's a little goal I've wanted to keep, there's no time like the present to get right back into it!

Namaste From Ananya - Happiness Jar March16

  1. Trying my hand at Dishoom-inspired mejdool porridge for breakfast! Not quite there but I’m trying not to be a perfectionist about these things & just enjoy the process of trying something new!
  2. Being reminded of the little things from friends: ‘Smile More’ was sent to me by a friend, who wrote : I think it’s impossible for you to smile anymore, which I thought was the loveliest compliment but indeed, I think we can ALL learn to smile a little more, particularly when we don’t want to! Sounds silly but I’ve tested it out. Try sticking a pen between your front incisors as if you wanted to bite it and hold for a minute/just time yourself smiling for 2-5 minutes. Notice if there are any changes in your mood…seriously…try it!!
  3. Using thoughtful gifts from friends, particularly the ones that burn & change the whole atmosphere of a room!
  4. The sporadic sunshine & the coming of Spring?!
  5. Catching up & making time for friends has been the best; having a solid little gang is so important & having those friend that cheer you on at every stage when you try something new, well it’s made me feel very grateful!
  6. Equally it makes me *so* happy to hear their good news, milestones & new endeavours!
  7. Doing a spring clean & finding hidden treasures…including long forgotten yet valid gift cards!
  8. Going gift shopping for a new baby, with a friend and giggling over some not-so-quite fitting choices & coming out with more than we bargained for!
  9. Have been receiving some lovely blog compliments in the last couple of weeks, so thank YOU.
  10. Seeing Ludovico Einaudi, I think has definitely been the highlight of my week so far! I’ve been listening to his albums on REPEAT & they’ve definitely helped my productivity! I’d definitely recommend for anyone needing a little work-playlist boost!

What’s been the highlight of your week? What’s made you smile?

Is it sunny where you are?

 I’d love to hear from you!

Until The Next Time,

Namaste | from Ananya xo

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