Scrapbooking's for (Big) Kids....


My mum used to make me 'scrapbook' every holiday when I was younger.

'You'll thank me when you're older!' she said.

Scrapbooking's for (Big) Kids

Mothers are so wise, aren't they?!

Along with the galleries & museums I actually love visiting, revisiting those holiday diaries are something I've come to cherish.

Can I blame this fact on the piles of cinema butts, kitsch napkins and novelty badges that I seem to accumulate...on a daily basis?!

My friends laugh at my bulging wallet & incessant *need* to store my train tickets for *that collage* I'm going to be doing!

I attempted & failed to keep up with Project Life back in 2013-2014. I started out well, taking pictures of day-to-day events - hardly an effort when your hands are glued to a camera. But the organisation side got the better of me which just left me a bag full of...ahem, *treasure*

I was inspired to re-visit Project Life after reading Ashumi's goal to start scrapbooking this year as well.


Project Life is for anyone that loves looking back on their days, weeks & years, wanting to reminisce. For these types of projects, I love to add my own Ana-isms, so though I wouldn't actually opt for buying the Project Life scrapbook itself or its inserts, just looking at their layouts or designs is enough to work up anyone into a creative whirlwind of excitement & itching to get started!

A little bit late on the mark but have been gathering all my bits and pieces putting together for a bit of a scrapbook update. So partly to keep myself accountable, I thought I would share some tidbits!


"One man's trash is another man's treasure"

Step 1:

Gather your *treasure*

Scrapbooking's for (Big) Kids

Scrapbooking's for (Big) Kids

^^Above:: Airmail post from the amazing organisation, Asha

and hen party memorabilia from a best friend's girlie weekend.

Step 2

Have Fun & Arrange!

Scrapbooking's for (Big) Kids

Above:: ^^ Remnants of surprise tea that was left on my desk as a 'thank you' which brightened my day after a stressful day.

Scrapbooking's for (Big) Kids

Above:: ^^ A photo reminder of all the food I managed to pull off for some hungry colleagues. #DinnerPartyNovice!

Scrapbooking's for (Big) Kids

Step 3:

Sit Back & Enjoy Your Finished Masterpiece

Scrapbooking's for (Big) Kids

Who said scrapbooking's only for kids?!

Until the next time,

Namaste | from Ananya xo


The Nutty Scientist


How much for the Jar of Happiness?