How much for the Jar of Happiness?


If you could capture happiness in a jar, what would it look like?!

Namaste From Ananya - Happiness Jar

Lately, I've found my mind wandering incessantly.

I've become absent-minded and sometimes even forget answers to questions within minutes.

"You're getting old" - is what society would like us to believe. It's what I've even convinced myself of.

But actually, once I pondered the situation, came up with a different theory.

Swiping thumbs right and left, scrolling through feeds and timelines with so little thought that it takes a real effort stay present.

Whilst switched 'on' and 'online', it's so easy to just disregard parts of life that are not appealing. But, let's look up from the screen for just a minute and remember that that's not real life.

I had a horrible realisation last month that life was passing by alright, but I wasn't enjoying the little moments. Sure, noted events in one's life are more easily recalled, but as a person that keeps boarding passes, hoardes years of received cards or other souvenirs others would easily recycle in a heartbeat, life had boarded the express train and I was left running to catch it up...(and let me remind you, I am not a natural runner!!)

Enough running! In my mind, the way to a healthy heart is to do something else daily. Gratitude. This is probably why, blogs such as Cider With Rosie, inspires me so much. Her weekly inclusions of what has made her happy never fail to make me smile. Though very personal, they're what I would want to remember my weeks by; what's made my heart smile that much brighter, the moments I've felt proud of or just what I've been grateful for.

Enter the Happiness Jar.

Oh so very Pinterest, but who wouldn't cherish reminiscing over a random week's happy moments in maybe a year's time?!

In addition to a gratitude journal, yes, can you tell I wanted to work on my gratitude game?! I wanted to have something more material to own.

So far, it's been a therapeutic little project for me and has made me reappreciate the importance of the smallest of moments.

So far, one jar of happiness has proved itself to be pretty priceless if you ask me!

Until the next time,

Namaste | from Ananya



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