The Best Mornings Start Out Colourful!


Shots in the morning?!

Colourful Mornings are The Best - Namaste From Ananya

They're healthy, I promise!

Back last year, my lab friends and I found an unmissable groupon deal for a blender-juicer. We didn’t need much convincing and soon found ourselves sharing recipes for morning smoothies and debating which vegetables to juice!

Juicing took a little vacation in the winter months but the lack of the juice game, recently has just come down to pure laziness! Prepping all the fruit and veg the night before has been neglected for Netflix marathons…

Needless to say, being asked to try Savse smoothies came at just the right time.

Savse smoothies are ‘Nina’s original’ recipes. Who is Nina? The Savse Founders’ mother who realised she was iron deficient when she was pregnant and sought to concoct her own recipes in order to ensure she and her unborn received the essential iron required through plant based resources. Realising this immediately struck a chord with me. In the last year or so, I’ve realised I also have low iron (much like many women in the UK) and have been taking supplements. However, I would really prefer to obtain the iron I lack through natural means if possible.

Like most things, we get by with a little help from our friends, right?


Luckily for me, 2 of my best buds were visiting when I received the Savse goodies and so excitedly agreed to act as my guinea pigs.

We did start off having a little fridge moment…


Where we couldn’t decide which to try first…


We quickly realised that Savse Smoothies are definitely NOT recommended for a few things.

Improving your yoga technique.


Or maybe I spoke too soon...


After yoga, we settled on shots.


Colourful Mornings - Namaste from Ananya

Colourful Mornings - Namaste from Ananya

 No alcohol required.

Probably the most nutritious shots we'd ever had and no post-shot shudder. Instead, we were actually reaching for more.


I saved the rest for the week ahead and since have found them a really great morning snack in between experiments in the lab, or just after a workout as a pick me up.


 Super Orange and Super Red were definite favourites.

But if you're fond of beetroot, try out the Super Blue. I'm not a big beetroot fan at the best of times but I'd happily drink the other flavours throughout the day.


There’s a lot of ‘healthy foods’ or brands out there but what I really love is getting to know the heart behind a passion.

The fact that it uses high pressure processing allowing it retain more of the natural nutritional value than other methods has already made it stand out from other ‘health food brands’.

All in all, if you’re wanting to 'up' your juicing game, or want some smoothie cocktail inspiration then I’d definitely recommend having a taste!

Until the next time,

Namaste | from Ananya

*PR Sample however all thoughts & opinions are 100% honest! 


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