The Nutty Scientist


Leftover hazelnut milk + ripe bananas & a handful of hazelnuts = ?

 Namaste From Ananya - The Nutty Scientist

 = One Nutty Scientist, of course!

I don’t know about you but more and more people I know are suffering from food intolerances. Gluten, dairy, eggs…you name it, they sadly can’t have it.

 In order to be an accommodating friend, it’s sometimes become an essential to keep a stock of dairy free milk, gluten free flour in the cupboard (and just avoid using eggy recipes!).

But, your friends have come to stay and long gone.

And your fridge is full of lacto free milk.

And you need to use it before it exeeds the sell by date by more than a week?

What do you do?

 Make an ice smoothie of course?!

A complete chance experiment…but then expect nothing less from this nutty 'scientist'

Frozen bananas

Namaste From Ananya - The Nutty Scientist

Namaste From Ananya - The Nutty Scientist

added to hazelnut milk...with a sprinkle of hazelnuts...

Namaste From Ananya - The Nutty Scientist

Namaste From Ananya - The Nutty Scientist

Give it a whizz!

Namaste From Ananya - The Nutty Scientist

Namaste From Ananya - The Nutty Scientist

Namaste From Ananya - The Nutty Scientist

This became my staple breakfast drink for a good week as I ended up finishing every nutty drop.

Sssh…don’t tell but I may start becoming converted to this new found non-dairy way of life….!

Until the next time,

Namaste. From Ananya



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