Wednesday Wisdom :: 'I don't have enough time to meditate!'

'I don't have to meditate'

'Do you have time to feel like crap?'

- Gabrielle Bernstein

The Asian Destination :: I don't have time to meditate!

My Face A Fear This Month?

'Give up the need to be cool'


By not admitting your passions or your interests, I've realised, I was missing out on some hugely rewarding and uplifting conversations with people I had had no idea shared the same views as I did.

One such topic?


Isn't it just everywhere these days?

The Benefits of Meditation

The Art of Mindfulness

Seems like everyone is wanting to reap the health benefits of the ancient practice.

 Lowering blood pressure, improving mental health and boosting the immune system are just some of its advantages.

Arianna Huffington, editor in chief of The Huffington Post Media Group, not only strongly advocates it in her new book, Thrive but has set up meditation spaces for employees in her offices around the globe.

'Meditation has finally stopped being seen as vaguely flaky, vaguely New Agey, and has fully entered the mainstream'

LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner and Twitter co-founder Evan Williams are meditators and now even some of the big city names such as KPMG, Goldman Sachs, Unilever and Bank of England have started using meditation at seminars.


"But, Ana. I really don't have time."

Gabrielle Bernstein, the bestselling New York Times author and regular on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday, has a great comeback for this.

"Do you have time to feel like crap?"


Surely you have at least 1 minute to spare?

Then why not take a moment to check out her 1 minute breathing meditation.

Meditation as we've been told has numerous health benefits.

From physiological, to lower blood pressure, mental benefits, immune system boost


Okay. So you're convinced.

You read:: Eat. Pray. Love

You've seen it pop up everywhere & you're just downright curious.


Your time is precious.

You have a smartphone, a dozen meetings and 10 deadlines by the end of the week.

I hear you.


Ever think you'd be able to meditate using your iPhone?

Me neither.

Enter Headspace, the app.

Another recommendation from my good friend Katy.

Headspace is now being used at some of the world's top universities for further research into physical and mental health, work, sport and academic performance & how the brain actually works.

The Asian Destination :: I don't have time to meditate!!

This free app was launched by Andy Puddicombe a former Buddhist monk, from Bristol.

This app, is great for anyone who has never meditated before.

With short ten minute daily guided meditations, all you have to do is make sure you find somewhere to sit comfortably without being disturbed.

The Asian Destination :: I don't have time to meditate!!

Whether you're a complete novice or whether you're needing some help in 'getting back into meditation' this is a great app, filled with easy to follow animations and clear and calming advice.

The Asian Destination :: I don't have time to meditate!!

According to Marie Claire, 2014 has been meditation's year for 'coming out' as 'cool'.

How ironic for my Face A Fear this month...!

Has meditation helped you? I'd love to hear from you. 

Love & Blessings,

Ana | The Asian Destination xo

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