Friday Fun :: The Best Roast Duck in London

Word of mouth travels fast. Especially when the words of that mouth make your own mouth water...

The Asian Destination :: The Best Roast Duck

Four Seasons in Bayswater is famous.

So famous in fact that you're lucky to make it through the door, they're that busy.

This Chinese restaurant is always busy. So make sure you book in advance. And then confirm your booking on the day...don't say I didn't warn you...

But I digress.


I'd only heard about this place. And every time Four Seasons was mentioned, it was followed by : ' You need to try The DUCK'


Now when you have friends that just know the menu inside out, you just let them order:

Spicy dumplings...

The Asian Destination :: The Best Roast Duck

Bean Curd

The Asian Destination :: The Best Roast Duck

Crispy Black Pepper Squid

The Asian Destination :: The Best Roast Duck

The Asian Destination :: The Best Roast Duck

& Pak Choi

The Asian Destination :: The Best Roast Duck

The Asian Destination :: The Best Roast Duck

Washed down with Chinese tea.

Oh wait. I'm forgetting something...

The Asian Destination :: The Best Roast Duck

We were 5, so a full roast duck seemed sufficient.

Soft and slightly sweet, it stole the limelight

The Asian Destination :: The Best Roast Duck

...but was definitely worth it!

The food was served quickly, despite the place being swarmed each time I've been.

The Asian Destination Advice:

Don't go here if:: you're looking for an exceptional dining experience.

Before I'd even made my visit, I was warned by friends, that customer service not the best.

You may be thrown the bill as an attempt to  vacate your table to accommodate the throngs of people waiting in line for a seat!

Do go here:: for the food.

I have a theory, that if natives enjoy a restaurant then it can only be a good thing. Four Seasons is a prime example of one such restaurant.

And was the duck worth it?

It does melt in your mouth.

And whether it's worth being thrown a bill at the end?

I'd take it...question is, would you? 

Love & Blessings,

Ana | The Asian Destination xo

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The Asian Destination has been shortlisted in the Cosmo Blog Awards 2014 for Best Lifestyle Blog

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Can't wait?

Four Seasons 

There are 3 London branches however we went to the Bayswater Branch.

Address: 84 Queenway, BayswaterLondon W2 3RL

Phone : 020 7229 4320


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