Worldwide Period Taboo

Worldwide Period Taboo

One major reproductive health issue is worldwide period taboo. Earlier this year I noticed some graffiti in Kolkata.

It said: make pads available in colleges.

Worldwide Period Taboo- East Meets West: International Development - Namaste From Ananya

Worldwide Period Taboo- East Meets West: International Development - Namaste From Ananya

The car drove on before I had a chance to take a photo of the writing but it’s stayed with me.

Period Poverty

Period Shame

Period Taboo

The worldwide period taboo is a real issue that affects all of us.

Not just those of us menstruating every month.

Global Menstrual Health

This is a global issue with many layers.

In India alone, there are various shades of Period Taboo

I’ve heard of stories of female students facing huge challenges even broaching the topic to male student council members

In order to have and obtain the types of sanitary vending machines we have in most UK public bathrooms.

These are what university students are trying to campaign for

And not just campaign for – they’re struggling to even have their male peers engage and accommodate these discussions.

Worldwide Period Taboo- East Meets West: International Development - Namaste From Ananya

Worldwide Period Taboo- East Meets West: International Development - Namaste From Ananya

Aside from the Worldwide Period Taboo

The fact remains that period poverty is paramount.

At the heart of it, the issue is still the same - not having access to sanitary products.

The result = infection which could so easily be prevented by better access.

Regardless of country

Not having the right resources whilst menstruating due to:

 - lack of hygienic bathroom facilities

- no access to cheap and safe sanitary products

- as well as disposal

often mean girls & young women will end up missing school

Regardless of country

- missing an education because of BIOLOGY needs to be addressed.


Period Poverty

And for those that do not experience periods/don’t think it’s your problem/are starting to feel uncomfortable (one of the main reasons for Indian universities not having proper sanitary disposal - because it involved ‘uncomfortable conversations that may cause offence’ senior males were not willing to have’ -

Then remember this has affected your life - whether you have a sister, an aunt, a friend, a partner - I can assure you, your mother has had to think about how to manage her period, where to dispose of the used products and when she couldn’t find a suitable place. 


I could delve deeper into

  • Why such opinions exist and a need to not only introduce proper reproductive health education across schools globally

  • Or even the shunning that happens in certain villages to women on their periods.

  • But that will be for a different day.


UK Menstrual Health

Whether you are an individual who does or doesn’t experience a period every month, imagine what a nuisance it is to not be prepared for your period.

Worldwide Period Taboo- East Meets West: International Development - Namaste From Ananya

Worldwide Period Taboo- East Meets West: International Development - Namaste From Ananya

Amika George, an 18 year old activist realised that girls were missing school because of they’re period

She knew it was happening in the world but she was shocked to hear it was happening in the UK.

She started a petition to get free sanitary products to girls who are on low income and therefore already qualified for free school meals.

Click on the links below to find out more on

Amika George makes such an important point:

"Society has trained us to think we must BUY period products to stay hygienic. 

Worldwide Period TabooWhen really a  man is catered for every time he visits a public toilet.

Why shouldn’t a woman be too?"

Worldwide Period Taboo- East Meets West: International Development - Namaste From Ananya

Worldwide Period Taboo- East Meets West: International Development - Namaste From Ananya


Have you ever questioned why it is different for a female to go buy (men’s) shaving foam

y few men feel openly comfortable going to buy sanitary products for their female partners/friends/siblings/relatives?

Next time, just bring it up/challenge the norm.

Try it.

Try discussing it

See what happens.

The more it’s talked about – there more barriers surrounding its mystery exist.


  1. but why the situation in other countries is so different, what do I have anything to do with it?

  2. If you can identify the difference between an individual being accommodated for their healthy bodily function, then distance or geographical location is not a factor. It is a fundamental human right.

Q. There are varying shades to the problem

A. Yes, I agree.

But if it’s taken you until now to truly ask and engage with the topic. Then that’s one step towards progress.

If it means you think twice before you

  • Cringe when periods come up in conversation

  • Think it’s a ‘dirty’ thing

  • Truly appreciate what it means that Sanitary Products are classified as a luxury product (ie taxed 5%) when Jaffa Cakes were not.

Your awareness means awareness of the wider issue of a human reproductive right.

In every sense of the word.

We get to identify the part of a cause that resonates with us most clearly

Isn’t Armchair Activism Just Lazy?

Awareness and a willingness to get involved is where it starts.

  • an active role in discussion can be what it takes

  • and signing a petition and writing to a local MP can be where change happens.

  • It may start out as armchair activism

  • But if that single click helps you sign that petition that leads to the final scrapping of

  • The ‘Tampon Tax’

  • Free Period Products for Girls from Low-Income families?

I don’t care what you say:

Your click matters.

What are your thoughts?

Have you been affected?

Until the next time,

Namaste from Ananya



You can listen to the podcast that was live recorded for Emma Gannon’s

You can listen here:

Other organisations that are tackling Period Shame and Period Poverty

Binti Period

Bloody Good Period

Amika George

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Until the next time,

Namaste, from Ananya



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