plural noun: postcards
a card for sending a message by post without an envelope, typically having a photograph or other illustration on one side.

Namaste From Ananya - Snapshots of India #2

Snapshots From India #1 

Call me a hopelessly nostalgic romantic but I love to keep old postcards.

I think it's linked with my constant amazement of how well the mind can transport me back to a certain time or place.

The process of taking my own photos feels much the same for me.

Flicking through to the end result can immediately conjure back the excitement, or sometimes frustration of getting the right angle and capturing appropriate feeling of a certain shot.

I have a fair way to go in terms of photography but it's a hobby that I'm keen on always improving.

Namaste From Ananya - Snapshots of India #2

These 2 little picture postcards take me back to the Indian monsoon season.

The mammoth amount of family photos I end taking home with me after a trip to India would never be possible without the epic car journeys.

The distance travelled may only resemble a thumbnail on a printed map but anyone that has experienced Indian road conditions [complete with multiple wandering cows] can appreciate these journeys are not advisable for delicate stomachs or the faint-hearted!

Now add stubborn monsoon floods into the already chaotic mix of colours, blaring horns and roads ridden with metre-deep pot holes...and I'm sure you'd understand why one would need a lie die after such a 5-6 hour drive.

Never the less though, long journeys: both road trips or air-borne are definitely my favourite.

Perhaps it's the day-dreamer within me but I love an opportunity to let my mind wander and my eyes fall on watching the world go by...whilst at the same time having the opportunity to capture a few moments through my other trust lenses!

Until the next time,

Namaste, from Ananya xo

p.s. If you missed it:

Snapshots from India #1

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Happiness Jar #4