Happiness Jar #4


Happiness Jar #4 October

Sweet treats, little luxuries & a positively glowing morning in London -

Happy Halloween!

Even the busiest of weeks deserve a bit of downtime.

For the longest time I convinced myself I didn't have time to read anything.

Or that I was only allowed to be reading PhD related material.


That logic left my bookcase overflowing and my reading list ever-growing to say the least.

October, much like the rest of the year, has rushed past in a frenzy. I've found myself really enjoying reminding myself of the everyday joys from before; it's a lovely feeling to reminisce isn't it? And so want to attempt to continue these little posts documenting the little gems so they aren't forgotten in the frenzied rush that can only be described as: Life.


Happiness Jar October

In the midst of chaos & frenzy, it's important to find stillness.And though I had to force myself to ignore all of the niggling feelings that I should be doing something 'more important' I surrounded myself with my little loves.

-One large mug of tea. [insert warm, comforting beverage of choice]

Happiness Jar October

-One very impressive pile of reading material [old & new]

-Some cosy slippers [Essential for those evenings of curling up]

-& some leftover sweet treats.

Happiness Jar October

Seeing as it's Halloween, a special mention has to go the lab's effort to celebrate this holiday.

Reproductive Scientists + A Halloween Pumpkin Carving Competition =

A Memorable & Slightly Disturbingly hilarious sight!

Happiness Jar October

Until the next time,

Namaste, from Ananya xo

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