The Sunday Peptalk #1

The Sunday Peptalk #1

Yesterday I went to

Women for Women International x Refinery 29’s

#SheInspiresMe Feminist Festival

The Sunday Pep Talk #1 - Namaste From Ananya

The Sunday Pep Talk #1 - Namaste From Ananya

Image from Women for Women International

It was the one of the most inspiring, uplifting events I’ve attended this year.

 It was such a rich and diverse audience of men & women speakers, activists all speaking about their own unique ways in which they were championing gender equality.

What was beautiful is that it reminded me the spark that ignites one person on a particular cause – is present in all of us.

Follow your fire.

It may look different to you than it does to me.

 That’s okay.

Whatever you’re passionate about is enough.

Don’t negate what’s important to you because you’re worried about it not being misunderstood or not ‘noble’ enough.


Today’s message comes on the 1st of July –

The first day of the next 6 months

The first day of the rest of 2018

What better day to introduce a new little series here.

Do you have that Sunday routine? When you’re packing your bag for tomorrow morning, prepping food for the week.


A personal growth junkie by nature, I always find it useful to listen/watch/read something that’s going to set me up for the week ahead.


I usually bookmark something I think I’ll find useful for Monday Morning when I need the extra oomph and maybe the playlist hasn’t quite kicked in yet


So as much as this is for you, it’s also for me too.


I had hoped to provide an alternative method for this Sunday’s Peptalk…but this is me being real and due to technical issues, you’ll just have to tune in again soon to see what I mean.

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.


You’ve already exactly what you need. You’re in the exact right place.

Let the fire act as your compass for the next step.

Small steps of activism, everyday.

And in the words of Gretchen Rubin:

What you do everyday matters more than you what you do once in a while. 

Until the next time,

Namaste, from Ananya



Activism Anthems


Chai & Chats with Jasvinder Sanghera CBE