Activism Anthems

Activism Anthems

Before we start on the what I mean by activism anthems. Let's discuss activism.

Activism: (noun) the policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change.

Inherently, we all have a cause that fires us up. I’ve spoken about how I think it’s important to follow the causes and issues that spark our attention. So in this post, I wanted to share some activism anthems to keep that spark going.

Activism Anthems - Namaste From Anaya - Fight The Good Fight

Activism Anthems - Namaste From Anaya - Fight The Good Fight

Activism Anthems & Fighting The ‘Good Fight’

– In Your Own Unique Way

To properly explain the reason behind having an 'activism anthem' playlist, let me start at the beginning. I was introduced to All Songs Considered (a music podcast you can listen to here) late 2017.

They discussed their top picks of songs from the year. A lot of the songs had a definite #MeToo theme. But regardless, whilst listening, I remember feeling empowered by some of the lyrics to many of the sound bites I listened to.

When we’re feeling a little stagnant, it is often one jolt we need:

  • In the lyrics of a song

  • One profound truth

  • Or a sudden life-changing event

To rev us back up and remind ourselves why we’re wanting to

‘fight the good fight’

in whatever form that is right for you as an individual.

My Favourite Anthems

I’ve decided to compile my favourite ‘activism anthems’ – here for those times when you want to remind yourself of your values and to remember what it is that spurs you on to act as an advocate for certain causes.

Whether it’s being reminded  not to ‘stay ‘quiet’ – in whatever aspect of your life or a wider cause:

We all have that power to step into,

to live and breathe a life of mindful intention.

The Playlist

The Playlist (with notes & links!)

Some of my absolute favourites I have been known to listen to on repeat:

  • I’ve asterisked my absolute faves that I’ve been known to listen to on repeat when I need to restore my faith in humanity

  1. What about us – Pink*

There are mixed interpretations of this song but a lot of people believe it was released as a response to the current political climate.

  1. TLC – his story

This was inspired by a controversial case of sexual assault in 1987 – whereby the male perspective (ie. ‘his story’) is most often taken as default. The sentiment is still being experienced today.

  1. Rihanna, 'Man Down'

This song was supposedly aimed at the patriarchal culture of the Caribbean dancehall music. 

  1. Lady Gaga, 'Til It Happens To You' (2015)

The ultimate message of this power ballad is that only those who have survived sexual violence can understand it.

  1. MILCK - Quiet*

"At the Washington, D.C. rally, a group of women led by the singer who's known as MILCK began popping up and doing an a capella version of her song 'Quiet' and it ended up becoming the unofficial anthem of the moment." —Robin Hilton quoted from ‘All songs considered’

  • but my favourite version is *this* one

  1. Kesha - Praying*

This is Kesha’s response to her own assault and experience which I found really powerful. In this one, she demonstrates her own strength as she comes through her own trauma with forgiveness and grace.

  1. Brandi Carlile - The Joke

"This song is an anthem about compassion, about love, about young people finding their path. I guess it revives that now kind of old phrase 'it gets better.' It's called 'The Joke,' and it makes me feel hopeful." --Ann Powers

  1. Good As Hell – Lizzo

  2. I Give You Power – Arcade Fire

  3. John Legend - Love Me Now*

"The video  fetures a diverse group of people from all over the world. From Standing Rock to Iraq, from orlando to the DR. Love is universal. We all need it. We all can give it" - John Legend said at the time of release. 

What Next?

If you liked this playlist, let me know.

I have another one planned on empowering songs to listen to, once you’re revved up again!

Until the next time,


From Ananya xo

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Until the next time,

Namaste, from Ananya



The Sunday Peptalk #1