One Man & His Tutu

There are some causes that capture the attention of us all; that evoke compassion within us, stir us into action & that ultimately inspire us.

The Tutu Project

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Let's start at the beginning. Westfield, San Francisco.

One Man & His Tutu - Namaste From Ananya

My friends were browsing in Bloomingdales when I spotted a book in the menswear section on a display.

One Man & His Tutu - Namaste From Ananya

Intrigued by the title, I started flicking through the pages.

Inside were photos of one man in an unmissable pink tutu.

Bemused & a little confused, I flicked onto the blurb and discovered the beautiful heartwarming story of one man's mission.


The first ever pink tutu photograph Bob Carey was featured in, was done as a joke.

After moving to the East Coast with his wife, Carey describes these photographs as a way to sum up his feelings about leaving his old home behind; a way to integrate familiarities of his previous life with the excitement and promise of his new one, despite it being a completely novel experience.

6 months into their move however, his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer.

The Tutu Project & Ballerina is the Careys' way of giving back to families experiencing breast cancer: to offer them hospital transportation, counselling and the much needed support from the trauma that the 'c' word can bring.

Net proceeds from Ballerina go directly to the non-profit that Linda & Bob Carey founded together in 2012.

As expected, Bob's received much media attention since his first few Tutu portraits. His stunning photographs can also be purchased as separate pieces or as a collective calendar which are also being gifted to cancer patients.


A little bit of a different post but all the while, inspiring.

Who'd have thought I would get distracted in the menswear one man & his pink tutu?!


Until the next time,

Namaste From Ananya


*All views & gushing about a beautiful cause, my own.

Find out more here about The Tutu Project


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