The 2 Simple Words I Want To Say More This Year


"Why do you feel the need to thank me? It's what brothers are for!"

2 Words I want To Say More This Year - Namaste From Ananya

Aside from those 3 important words we probably don't tell our families enough, there are another 2 words that I sometimes just fail at.


I was chatting to one of my cousins at the weekend. After the usual brother-sister banter (for anyone confused, Indians tend to think of cousins as siblings) our conversations usually become deep & philosophical. Lately, life has been throwing some curveballs into the if to say, time to 'Spring' into shape & really take charge of the year ahead.

After a much needed catch-up, I thanked him for his wisdom & time.

To which he responded by affectionately mocking me:

"Why do you feel the need to thank me? It's what brothers are for!"


This got me pondering.

There are times when I offer my thanks readily, simply trying to be polite.

And then there are other times when those 2 words can truly become the most difficult to pass through the lips.


Last month I returned home to find a beautiful treasure of a gift waiting for me from a dear friend.

A little book of Thank yous.


This book is wonderfully put together; a compilation from BBC Radio 4's Saturday Live.

Listeners were asked to share their thank yous they had never got round to saying.

The resulting stories are sure to warm away any remnants of a wintry heart, are perfect for an evening cosied up or just for restoring some faith in human kindness.


A heartfelt note, a handwritten doodle or even a shaky vote of thanks.

They're all really a gift of kindness.


2 words that might come more easily than others.

One person may decorate their gift in ribbons or expensive wrapping.

Others may choose to keep it simple.

Either way, the sentiment remains the same.



An act of kindness, an act of love, however small.

So what if it's expected.

So what if it's hard to say.

So what if you're being teased for saying it too often.

I'd rather say it often & have you know I appreciate you!

Namaste | from Ananya xo


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