Inspiring Ana #2 - TOMS & Every Mother Counts


Inspiration may strike even at the most surprising of times.

This Bag Saves Lives - Toms - Namaste From Ananya

This Bag Saves Lives - Toms - Namaste From Ananya

Location :: San Francisco

We were in one of those iconic shops in America that perhaps appeals more to tourists than residents: Bloomingdales.

Just a little stretch away from the 'little brown bags' were laid out other accessories that most certainly caught my eye.

This Bag Saves Lives - Toms - Namaste From Ananya

I've told you about Blake Mycoskie before a little while ago.

The ethos & mission of TOMS have resonated ever since I became aware of the organisation. I have been nothing but inspired and impressed by Blake's drive and passion for his One for One giving strategy,

Before we ventured out to San Francisco, I learned that TOMS had partnered with another cause that I'd been following independently: Every Mother Counts, founded by Christy Turlington-Burns.

This Bag Saves Lives - Toms - Namaste From Ananya

Ever have those moments where you realise you've stumbled across something special and you wonder why it's taken you this long to find the 'treasure'?

Discovering Every Mother Counts was a truly 'heart-singing' moment.

To find an organisation that stands for everything you stand for, is rare.

Maternal and fetal health has always been one of my passions.

It led me to start & continue a PhD in reproductive biology. Yet for the longest time, I'd been feeling lost about the purpose & wider global impact my research could have on the world.

Luckily for me, serenditpity had struck & I had begun to find my answer.

Every Mother Counts is an organisation fiercely passionate about improving maternal and fetal health.

Its mission is to grant mothers vital access to care they need in order to maximise their chances of a safe delivery. To achieve this goal, their focus lies on improving transportation links, education and providing medical supplies.

Before San Fran, I'd read and researched TOMS' One for One strategy and how it was going to be implemented to improve maternal and fetal health.

This Bag Saves Lives - Toms - Namaste From Ananya

Such a simple concept, yet so powerful.

For every bag purchased, TOMS will help provide a safe birth for a mother and baby in need. As well as this, $5 from each purchase goes to Every Mother Counts’ global advocacy efforts to improve the future of maternal health.

This Bag Saves Lives - Toms - Namaste From Ananya


A few other things happened whilst I was in America.

A close friend messaged me to say he'd watched a documentary called: No Woman, No Cry.

Given that I was having sporadic wifi issues, I promised to check it out once home.

A little research later, I realised -

the documentary had been made by my #wcw (or let's face it, 'woman crush, everyday'!) : Christy Turlington Burns and somehow I hadn't even realised.

This inspirational lady is not only the expertise behind the film but is as an active advocate for global maternal health, leading by example. She ran the London marathon last month for Every Mother Counts.

Why run for Every Mother Counts?

Too many women sadly have to walk miles in order to access essential healthcare,

"We run, walk, cycle - so that others don't have to"


A couple of weeks ago, TOMS opened it's flagship shop in Carnaby Street.


Every inch of the shop, I fell in love with: the ethos, the branding, the beauty of giving.

This Bag Saves Lives - Toms - Namaste From Ananya

This Bag Saves Lives - Toms - Namaste From Ananya

Since the start of TOMS 'One for One' initiative with shoes, they've since expanded. In addition to the original shoes & now bags, you can also purchase TOMS Eyewear which goes on to provide sight to a person in need. As a roasting company, TOMS coffee now provides water. Their business plan is simple. Giving back is the best way to move forward.

Having a little peruse around the shop, I picked up a small flyer.

Between the 5th May and the 21st May, for every photo uploaded to Instagram with the hashtag #withoutshoes   TOMS would provide a new pair of shoes to a child in need - no purchase necessary.

Did you take part?

Here's mine.

This Bag Saves Lives - Toms - Namaste From Ananya

Over the last 18 months, social media in the form of 'supportive selfies' has blown up over the internet.

However, I am a firm believer in the amazing power that this new digital age has on providing the world with sustainable impact.

Non-profit organisations, businesses & charities are slowly awakening to the ultimate consumer of our time & energy. What better way to engage with others than to encourage social involvement for the purpose  of giving to those less fortunate.

And yes, before you ask - I did show my support in the form of a little TOMS bag:

This Bag Saves Lives - Toms - Namaste From Ananya

I've wanted to show my support to TOMS for some time now and deciding to support the improvement of maternal & fetal health was a no-brainer for me, since it's been a long-standing passion of mine.

I know for definite I'll only be continuing this support in whatever way I can.

Until the next time,

Namaste | from Ananya xo

*Felt the need to just disclaim - this post has not been sponsored in any way - all love for TOMS & Every Mother Counts - 150% my own.

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