Cooking with A Cause


It’s been a while since I’ve shared the bits and pieces that have caught my eye.

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This little addition my desk arrived as a little birthday present.

Two loves: food & humanity entwined into one to bring together probably the best of combinations?!

Cooking with a cause.

This (not so little) book is more than a cookbook – though I can definitely spend far too much time flicking through it merely for the photos.

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 The reason why it’s drawn me in however, aside from the cooking inspiration are the messages behind each recipe.

The recipes have been collected from women across the world, many in countries affected by war e.g. Afghanistan, Iraq, Rwanda to name only a few. There’s more than just a recipe that you experience with this collection but an insight into something much more intimate. In doing so, it makes their own personal contribution to the book so much more poignant.

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In addition, there are some well-known activists and humanitarians that are peppered through, each with their own impact & piece of wisdom.

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Not to mention the foreword by one very influential lady: Meryl Streep.

All in all, this book is a beauty, from start to finish.

One for anyone who loves:

 - Beautiful foodie photos

- Being inspired by exceptional people

- And wants to make a difference…since all publisher’s profits got to Women for Women International, an organisation that focuses on helping women facing violence and poverty as a consequence of war.

You can also find it here.

 Until the next time,

Namaste | from Ananya xo

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