How To Stay Motivated When The Journey Seems Impossible

How to Stay Motivated When The Journey Seems Impossible

*The PhD edition.

Namaste From Ananya - How To Stay Motivated When The Journey Seems Impossible

Namaste From Ananya - How To Stay Motivated When The Journey Seems Impossible

 A PhD at some point or another feels impossible.

The oasis of positive hope seems like an absolute mirage.

A cruel, cruel mirage.

So how does one navigate?

For my tips to Stay Motivated When The Journey Seems Impossible

How to Stay Motivated When The Journey Seems Impossible

Believe me, it’s difficult. And you’re speaking to someone that often struggled with her map skills at Duke of Edinburgh *cough*.

  1. Take A Breath.

Pausing might seem counter intuitive.

You don’t have time to WASTE, you can’t STOP?!!

But seriously. No matter what anyone tries to convince you of. You need to look after yourself. I’ve made this mistake…and then made myself ill for 4 weeks in the process. Make sure you’re eating and sleeping well. Your work deserves you at your 100%, not -10%.

Namaste From Ananya - How To Stay Motivated When The Journey Seems Impossible

Namaste From Ananya - How To Stay Motivated When The Journey Seems Impossible

 2.  Chunk It Out

My friend and I were discussing priorities the other day. It turned out we both had multiple Lists.

1 for the year.

1 for the week ahead

and a daily list.

That’s a lot of lists but it helps break down those elephants into bite size, (somewhat manageable tasks) and prevents them from becoming so overwhelming.

Namaste From Ananya - How To Stay Motivated When The Journey Seems Impossible

Namaste From Ananya - How To Stay Motivated When The Journey Seems Impossible

  1. Be Single-Focused.

Counter productive?

Multi-tasking is not always the right option.

You may think you’re being super efficient keeping your email inboxes open all day but really, all you’re doing is making it easier to get distracted.

Depending on the nature of the work that needs to get done,

Juggling too many things makes mistakes.

Namaste From Ananya - How To Stay Motivated When The Journey Seems Impossible

Namaste From Ananya - How To Stay Motivated When The Journey Seems Impossible


How do you stay motivated when the journey seems never-ending?

When the finish line keeps moving further and further away?


Until the next time let’s be friends here:

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Namaste, from Ananya



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