Dear Thamma :: January Highlights

Here's a few January Highlights from 2017 so far.

My Grandma, Thamma, as I called her introduced me to the world of stationery. She’d have a multitude of notebooks on the go, one filled with random scrawlings, one for short stories she was writing and a journal.

Ever since I can remember, I’ve been to India, every single year.

Not only has it been a chance for me to spend time with family, it’s also a deep immersion into the culture and heritage I so love feeling a part of.

At the start of my summer holidays to India, Thamma would hand me a pristine notebook, instructing me to take note of my surroundings and keep a diary of what I experienced.

I’ll be honest, at the time I found it a bit of a nuisance. I couldn’t be bothered to fill in everything that I was getting up to…I just wanted to do it.

As I’ve gotten older though, her recommendation was of course, well worth the trouble.

Reflections, laughs and forgotten anecdotes – all captured in varying styles of handwriting – are always, without a doubt priceless.

Though Thamma need not force me to journal now, I wanted a way to show her what I’ve been up to, in the hope that wherever she may be, she knows that my family and I, are trying to grab life and live it, the way she would have wanted to.

Namaste From Ananya - Dear Thamma :: January Highlights

I have loved Alice Red’s ‘As Time Goes On’ playlist and so this new series is inspired by her.

Have a watch and let me know what you think!

Do you journal?

What have your monthly highlights been?

And Thank you Alice: for your beautiful inspiring playlist from 2016!

Until the next time, let’s be friends here:

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Namaste, from Ananya




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