
Hi June.

NamasteFromAnanya-Hi June

First of all, let’s just address the elephants in the room.


The First Elephant

It’s June & here in the UK –

I started writing this wearing a jumper & a scarf…*

yet's positively glorious!?

The Second Elephant

Why so quiet?

It’s June.


An Explanation

The arrival June marks 6 months into 2016.

Taking stock of the last 6 months can be quite scary for some, including me.

It’s an opportunity:

 -to see how far you’ve come

-how far you’ve set yourself up for the year ahead

It’s also an opportunity:

for panic to set in as we realise those goals that we set for the New Year

have gathered some or a lot of dust.


The Next 6 months

The coming months for me, will be :




to name only a few!


Not only have I had some thought into where I’d like to take my online space

but it also means

my PhD finishing line is edging ever closer.

 My nearest and dearest are aware of this, but for anyone still reading along wondering why things have been a little quieter than usual:

I’ve been taking stock, ready to plough ahead, nose quite literally to the lab bench and head into the final leg of my PhD, whilst letting myself (on the odd/frequent occasion) day-dream about life post-PhD!


NamasteFromAnanya-Hello June

My passions remain:

|| maternal health

|| personal & international development

|| photos & writing

& of course, tackling the confusing Brit-Asian culture clash!

But watch this online space for a few changes that I’m very excited to share!


The next 6 months are a transitioning period for me as I get down to some serious business.

About a month ago, it was all a little too overwhelming.

But now?

There’s a level of excitement coupled with enthusiasm and focus.


So if you’re still with me?

– please take this as an answer to my sporadic silence, a ploy to stay accountable in all areas,

and as a thank you.

(If you still want to keep up to date: following along on Bloglovin' is super quick and easy)


Now over to you!

I’d love to hear from you!

How are you doing on your 2016 goals?

Do you use June to re-evaluate goals or aims for the year?

What are you hoping to achieve in the next 6 months?


And on that note:


Here’s to my (& your highest selves) for the next 6 months, the rest of 2016.


Until the next time,

Namaste | from Ananya xo


Stay Connected!

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*friends, before you joke that this is my default state – it’s JUNE – I only want to be wearing 2 layers as opposed to 4!


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