3 Surprising Benefits of Journaling


Namaste From Ananya - 3 Surprising Benefits of Journaling

It's been a little while, hasn't it? And just when I'd gotten into the groove of being consistent!

Though blogging may have been a little sporadic this month, there's one thing that I haven't neglected & that's journaling.

With this year being an important one in terms of PhD, work and personal life, I've needed something to keep myself from feeling all too overwhelmed by it all.

The best friend in question has been a journal. Over the years, I've used it as a cathartic release. More recently though, the more consistently I commit to journaling, I can honestly say that its contributed to my overall wellbeing. I thought I'd share 3 Surprising Benefits to journaling I've found in case you’ve been toying with the idea and can’t quite bring yourself to start a ‘diary entry’.

3 Surprising Benefits of Journaling

  1. Mindfulness

Perhaps this comes from the constant stream of writing that somehow flows out when pen reaches paper but in that moment there is only the present. Whatever pain or frustration that's been haunting you somehow loses its hold as we gain perspective over recent events. In doing so also, I’ve found myself slowing down a notch and becoming more in tune with my own habits. Am I eating out of comfort or frustration? Am I ‘panic-buying’ this because it’s on ‘sale’?

  1. Gratitude

In becoming more mindful, I've found that I'm a lot more appreciative of what I have which in turn makes me less inclined to keep chasing things I don’t need & so grateful for all those little moments that are going right.

And the time old saying I keep going back to :

Be Grateful for what you have, whilst in pursuit of what you want

I've also started using it as a tool for some creative visualisation.

  1. Vision & Achieving Goals

One thing that has definitely pleasantly surprised me is the more consistently journal (whether it’s a conscious stream or not) I’m more inclined to stay committed to my goals. Perhaps it’s to do with the very act of writing the goal down and its subsequent progress but I definitely find myself taking more leaps of faith and in turn being rewarded. It’s proved to be a positive catalyst that I’m not quite ready to give up or do without.

From a blogger’s perspective, the act of writing consistently is really helping in terms of discipline. There’s been so many times, particularly before and after a long PhD day, when I’ve not wanted to do anything: exercise, writing, eating – you name it, it would seem like too much effort.

Cultivating a habit or a discipline requires effort though and sticking with 1 aspect has helped have a knock-on effect, in wanting to stick with other habits.


...& all that from the humble pen and paper!


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Until The Next Time,

Namaste | from Ananya xo

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