5 Ways to Prolong Valentine's Day


.....& no, this is NOT so I can prolong my #ValentineBirthday celebrations ;)


How to Prolong Valentines Namaste From Ananya

Okay, so if you weren’t aware. This week was Random Acts of Kindness(RAK) week :: 14th February - 20th.

I think it's fair to say, much like most views surrounding Valentine's, we probably shouldn't wait until the 14th to express our love & kindness however, we can use it as a gentle reminder.

After all, sprinkling RAK everywhere can be pretty awesome.

& so keeping in with the spirit of Valentine's last week & Student Volunteering Week [#SVW2016] which runs from 22nd-28th February this year, I figured it would be a different sort of post putting together a few ways to prolong that spirit of love & kindness.

Because let's face it, we could all just use a bit more of it now and again!

How to Prolong Valentines - Namaste From Ananya

The RAK campaign had a vast selection of suggestions to join in with.

Following on from my previous suggestions though, here 5 of my favourites with a bit of a spin!


The Graduate (or soon-to-be!) :: donate your old textbooks!

Because seriously I think we were ALL persuaded to buy one textbook too many in first year!

The Caffeine Addict/The Driver/The Passenger::

Pay for the person in front of you, be it:

a coffee

[a little intimidating for some of us in the UK where we're always hesitant it might be misinterpreted]

a toll charge 

(kinda anonymous – ie you can drive into the sunset quickly!)

or a person with not enough change for the bus/tube.

How to Prolong Valentines - Namaste From Ananya

On the Commute :: Give up your seat

It doesn't always fall on the person sat on the 'priority seat' to be that person.

Out & About :: Pay someone a compliment

'We're British though!'

...I hear you say...

'....AND WHAT!?'

I had a lady compliment me on a ring I was wearing on a commuter train once - it genuinely added to my day.

I promised myself that should the time come when I admire something about someone else, I'll do my best to tell them.

Seriously, brighten someone's day.

What's the worst that can happen?

How to Prolong Valentines - Namaste From Ananya

For the Busy-Bee :: Volunteer 

No seriously, you're reading that right. Volunteering does not have to take up loads of time.

I was lucky enough to meet the very inspiring Ladan Takow recently. Aside from her infectious enthusiasm about making a difference through volunteering, she also introduced me to Team London.

Team London is catered to those living in London and its aim is to help more people get involved and volunteer. It is catered to your interests and you can choose dates and times suitable to you, be it a one off event or more regularly.

It's fair to say that we're all busy-bees but I'll definitely be making use of it.


Do you have any other favourite ways to spread the kindness or prolong Valentine's? ;)

Until the next time,

Namaste | from Ananya xo

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