
A few months back I went to see Matilda The Musical & one in particular song really stayed with me.

When I Grow Up - Namaste From Ananya

“When I grow up, I will have all the answers

Needed when you’re all grown up.”


Those lyrics still resonate with me.

I think we’ve all had this thought before:

-"When I get into secondary school, I’ll be so grown up!"

-"When I get into 6th form, and get to wear my own clothes, I’ll be so grown up!"

-"When I leave University, I’ll know exactly what I want to do with my life."

 Perhaps it’s presumptious to say but I feel as though there’s a huge majority of us that would still say :

We don’t know exactly where we want life to take us.

Namaste From Ananya - When I Grow Up I Will Have All The Answers..

Somewhere between teenage tantrums and turbulent twenties, I, like many of my friends, have had the realization that we’ll never have all the answers.

But neither will our parents, our peers nor those in supposed ‘authority’.

Those doling out advice are restricted to giving suggestions solely based on their own experiences & frame of mind.

They may be more skilled than you or have more expertise solving particular work-related problems but when it comes to life’s winding roads, we’re all just fumbling through in this messy adventure.

All that is left, is to follow your own intuition.

And that is something we’re often too scared to do. We need the constant reassurance of mentors, of peers.

“When I grow up, I will have all the answers

Needed when you’re all grown up.”

When I Grow Up - Namaste From Ananya

When I first heard the song, I felt a little sad knowing that we’ve all wanted to ‘wish our life away’ a little; to become older & supposedly wiser, far too soon. In reaching these milestones, however, bitter disappointment has hit home as we realise that ‘being grown up’ carries different responsibilities, more questions yet fewer answers!

The meaning you give to a particular experience can alter the way in which it affects your life.


When I Grow Up - Namaste From Ananya

In my birthday card this year, one dear friend wrote this:

“Live your year as you want. Be spontaneous’

& I guess that’s all it really comes down to.

We all have no idea what will happen, we’re all just hoping for the best.

Will we ever be ‘grown up & have all the answers’ ?


Is that sad? I guess it depends.

Is it scary.

Hell, YES.

But fear, as discussed before, can be used in your favour.

It’s terrifying thinking that there’s no right answer to this wonderfully, heartbreakingly weird journey that has somehow been called, LIFE.

Terrifying. Yet. Liberating.

Terrifyingly liberating.

And so, at the next set of crossroads, stand still.


Stop. Right. Now.

Take on board what the people around you are saying.

But then, close your ears to the outside.

Listen to your insides.

Trust your intuition.

Follow that only.

However scary, that may be.


There are no right answers.

But. there are no wrong ones either.

Terrifyingly liberating.

Until the next time,

Namaste | from Ananya xo

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