Kindle vs The Traditional Book?!


Like an old friend, re-reading an old book can offer just the appropriate ‘constant’ when life becomes a muddle of frenzied change.

Namaste From Ananya - Currently Reading on Kindle

 Whether you’re lucky enough to have extended leave over the festive period or only a day or two, the holidays seem as good a time as any to kick back your feet and sink into the familiar pages and the comforting world of words you’d once lost yourself in.


Let it be known, I am a book purist. Turning the pages of a new book, inhaling the smell of crisp unread pages just waiting to be gobbled up in minimum sittings. For me it is akin to a dining experience; all senses are engaged.


It’s no surprise to say I was skeptical about getting a kindle.

 Namaste From Ananya - Currently Reading on Kindle

I find things much easier to read when they’re printed on paper – call me Granny Annie but having to endure hours of data analysis on a computer screen for most days, why would I willingly subject my eyes to even more strain?!


That said, I did have a problem. Annual trips to India would mean I had to selectively choose which books would be make it on for the long-haul flights. Usually what happens is that by day 2 (of at least 15-20) I’ll have exhausted my luggage’s literary stash and I’ll be craving something more.


Enter the kindle in all its paper light glory.

 Namaste From Ananya - Currently Reading on Kindle

Being able to carry all my favourite books & more than I could ever hope to finish in my long stretches in india was a bit of a dealbreaker for me.

Instead of praying my books weren’t contributing the excess weight allowance or worse – having to prioritise other things over including them in the luggage at all. This little contraption was able to single handedly add dimensions to my reading experience.


It has perhaps added one slight problem though.


Now that none of the books are in sight and you can add to it with one single click, it makes it a lot more tempting to just go a little overboard in buying…


And so, my holidays will partly be spent trying to get through my virtual reading list which is suffering a huge back log!


First on the list is Anne Frank ::

 Namaste From Ananya - Currently Reading on Kindle

What’s on your current [holiday] reading list?

Until the next time,

Namaste, from Ananya


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