
You're still demolishing the remains of the Christmas chocolate whilst researching the best green juice and simultaneously psyching yourself up to go for a run.


Hands up if we've been there, done that & got the 'Namast-ay in bed' T shirt?!

[Yep, the T shirt does exist by the can find your own here ;)]


Somewhere in January, it's fair to say all that steam runs out all we really want to do is sit around in our PJs having 'Friends' marathons with our trusty duvets for company.

Here's a few simple reminders I've been using to keep those January blues at bay.

So let's just take 5::

1. Have a cheeky pint or two......of water, thank you!

namastefromananya-take5-drinkwater1Whilst you might not be doing a 'dry January' here's one thing I definitely have to remind myself to doI think we're all pretty clued up on health benefits of staying hydrated but anyone that needs a little bit more science for why drinking a little more H2O can help with the ol' cognitive and organ function. Find some helpful reading here.

2. Get Out More

It's really easy to get ourselves into a negative little spiral of self-doubt if we're cooped up in the same place all day.


No fancy trainers necessary for a brisk walk.

The hardest part may actually be the getting out of bed and out the door.

Fresh air & the charms of the British weather can do wonders for a foggy head, I've found.

3. Random Acts of Kindness

Studies have shown that virtually any random act of kindness has the ability to improve one's sense of happiness. Now, 'happiness' is subjective but I genuinely believe the effects of focusing attention outward to gain a little perspective and in turn make yourself feel good whilst helping others. I have found this change to be especially true if I spend too long immersed in my own thoughts.


January's a month for new personal goals but I think it's also so important to make it a priority to help others achieve theirs too.

At work:: write a friend or colleague a post-it note.

One friend did this when I was away so I returned to find my computer covered in her positivity.

-It honestly made that first day back that much brighter.


For a friend :: a little post card or a letter of appreciation like this one I received just before the holidays.

I've written about my love for hand-written notes before; they don't take that much effort or time to write but the lasting effect can be priceless.

The A List - January - Namaste From Ananya

For a parent/family member :: a surprise phone call or visit.

You might ring them everyday or maybe only once a month but when you do, how often are you 100% present, not fiddling on your phone?

Maybe it's time to give presence, over presents.

For a stranger :: the time of day.

I'm completely guilty of this as I'm sure others are in London. How often have you dodged eye contact on the tube or walked quickly past that fundraiser on the street blaming the fact you 'were in a rush'.


...don't forget though to treat yourself with kindness...

For you :: even if it's simply to say 'no' to the drink after work so you can have that early night or writing down one thing that you're proud or grateful for that day. Treat yourself as you would a best friend.

4.  Meditation


I've said it a fair few times before but I'll say it again.

Meditation :: the first time, the second time, all the time has saved me.

But I have to remind myself of these golden rules though time & again.

 -It does not matter:

*when you 'discovered' meditation or when you decided to incorporate it into your life.

* if you tried it once and 'it didn't work out'

if you know you should be doing it but the truth is you're not.

let's repeat.

-It's not a competition with yourself  or anyone else.

No one will know, notice or even care if you skip a practice.

-only you will.

It does not matter which sort you decide is for you.

-Transcendental meditation

Mindfulness meditation

Kundalini +/or Kriya Yoga

Laughing meditation

or Other

or even all of the above AND then some.

And most of all:

You don't need to be relgious to meditatte.

If anything, it's an act of self love & self care.

5. A Cup of Warmth

If all else fails my formula ::

a cup of your preferred tea + let it out + let it go


As a self-confessed tea addict, only recently have I ventured into the realms of herbals.

Swapping the builders' for the florals...or the earl grey's for the greens.

Make your pot of choice (because more than one cup maximises the I right?!)

Journal it out in a cathartic release, surrender whatever is going on to a higher power.

& hopefully let it go, even just for a moment.


Do you have any other tips for beating the January blues & staying focused?

Until the next time,

Namaste, from Ananya xo

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