Can you have it all?!


Trying to find your feet as the wind changes is difficult.

‘The world is your oyster’

Can you have it all? Namaste From Ananya

We’ve all heard the phrase saying.

It’s meant to be a liberating phrase; one that’s meant to grant the freedom to choose how we want to spend the bigger part of our lives. But with great opportunity, there comes an even greater responsibility.


As children, I’m sure we’ve all felt the need to make our caregivers proud. I know I have. Be it through dubious artwork, inedible Food Tech creations or just hesitantly handing over report cards. As I’ve grown older, I appreciate the sacrifices that have been made in order to provide the things I’ve easily taken for granted. No price can equal the value of these sacrificial offerings by previous generations. Whenever I find myself sweating quite literally the un-important small stuff, these offerings remind me there is a sense that this life that I am privileged enough to lead, needs to be filled with purpose.

"Do More Than Just Exist"

Can you have it all? Namaste From Ananya

Something bigger than just establishing a certain level of financial security. It’s imperative to live a life that adds value.

Can you have it all? Namaste From Ananya

The overwhelming feeling of endless possibilities clouding one’s mind, the deep insecurity of not taking full advantage of situations and then the worst realisation hits: in seeking perfection, you’ve not even started. Too much choice can unfortunately be detrimental.

Can you have it all? Namaste From Ananya

“You CAN have it all. You just can't have it all at once.” – Oprah Winfrey

There’s some comfort in knowing that, life may be tugging at us from all sides but you don’t need to quit 1 aspect of your life in order to succeed in another. They can co-exist.

Could it be that the overwhelming feeling is not that life is closing you in but actually offering you abundance and nudging you into focusing in 1 direction for the time being?

Let’s go with that for now

Namaste | from Ananya xo

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