The Big Ol' Birthday Wishlist


So it's that time of year again, one year older.

2015 Birthday Wishlist - Namaste From Ananya


Friends, this is the first birthday that I’d like to ask for something specific from you..and it doesn't cost a thing!

The Big Ol' Birthday Wishlist

 Currently, I am a hoarder: of books, of clothes, of sentimental trinkets and notes.

When it came to moving house, once again, I realised that I just have WAY TOO MUCH STUFF.

…And yes, even AFTER the mass clearout, I most probably own in surplus, what I really need.

The A List - January - Namaste From Ananya

Don’t get me wrong: I am beyond grateful to be in a position where in order to ‘save space’ I should probably be plastering my walls with photos (I do) or piling my books high in every corner (guilty) or just sleeping with my shoes (not quite yet..but it might become an option soon!).

2015 Birthday Wishlist - Namaste From Ananya

I am truly thankful to be in a position where if I am brutally honest with myself, I don’t need anything more in terms of material possessions, bar the absolute necessities.

Sure, I do get tempted from time to time [ALL THE TIME]. The words ‘SALE’ with or without ZARA (+/- HOME) will not fail to get me excited.

Despite the mountains of books awaiting my attention, I still keep adding to my never-ending reading list and covet books that I happen to stumble come across & just…NEED in my life.



You’d think that I, snappy happy Ana, have enough cameras. Well, a girl can look…or take a picture of a new camera…right?!

2015 Birthday Wishlist - Namaste From Ananya

So in short, all I’ve done is just acknowledged the tendencies.

So I really shouldn’t be adding to the inventory, should I?


A dear friend told me his revelation of having a wallet stolen in South America. Whilst waiting for his bankcards to be re-issued, he realized he didn’t have enough money to spend on accommodation for the night & therefore spent the night sleeping in the airport. I remember him saying it was a truly humbling experience having to watch every penny he spent and appreciate how little he really did need, in terms of belongings, to survive.


This got me thinking. The world is full of so much inequality that I would really love to give back to those who don’t have nearly as much as me. I’ve genuinely been mulling over whether I should pledge my birthday for a charity this year.

Instead of x amount spent on a birthday gift, that money would go towards a chosen charity.

The decision became really difficult since there are actually so many organisations and causes that have my heart in some way or another. Choosing only 1, to pledge birthday funds to, at this moment in time, seems unfair. Watch this space though since I’m currently brainstorming ways in which I can I can get involved with a few more.

[If you know of any other organisations that motivate, inspire you or think I’d relate to, I’d love to hear from you.]

But for now, let’s get back to the birthday wish list.

Maybe it’s because society has made being in your 'twenties', this huge milestone of hopes & dreams.

Or maybe it’s because I’m a bit of a granny at heart [the nickname ‘Grannie Annie’ has seemed to stick around past its sell by date!] & love a good saying

-but I just love hearing people’s words of wisdom. There is something to me that is so precious about listening and learning through someone’s first hand experiences.


I’m sure that no matter what your age, you’ve learnt a fair few valuable lessons.

You might be bursting with academic insight?

Or you might have had a health & beauty revelation? Quite possibly.

Spiritual Enlightenment? Maybe.

But life lessons? Most definitely.


 If I could ask for a gift this year, it would be an invaluable one.

I’ve always been a sentimental gift, kinda girl.

I love the thought, time and effort that goes into the act of present giving. From idea to fruition: the excitement, the labours of love to make or find just the right item - I love it all.

My other love, of course is a card or letter; my loved ones are well acquainted with ‘The Ana Essays’.

Now don’t worry. I’m not assigning you, with an ‘Ana Essay’ for my birthday [though I won’t stop you if you’re so inclined ;)]

What I would love though, is to gain some insight.

Like I said, maybe because it’s now being well in my twenties..

But I’ve realised that there’s actually still so much to learn & make sense of about life, about people, about choices.

This year, I’d love for you to share a few more words of wisdom as well as to answer a couple of questions:

  1. What is the single most important lesson you’ve learnt in life so far?
  1. What piece of advice would you give me for the year (s) ahead?
  1. Please suggest one thing to do/experience/visit in 2015 & beyond.

Could be anything – a lesser known place to travel, a new hobby to try, maybe a new recipe. I’ll leave it up to you.

[Family, please refrain from making any marriage jokes!]

My birthday falls about 6 weeks after the New Year and I like to use it as an opportunity to check in & reevaluate how I’m doing with my goals.

What better way to do that this year than to take stock with some encouragement.

Because truly, no many can be exchanged for a lifetime of experience and for me that truly would be a priceless birthday gift.

Namaste | from Ananya xo


The A List - February Favourites


The A List - January 2015