
Last year, I tried to focus on facing one particular fear each month for 2014.

What I found difficult though was sticking to just one.

Face A Fear Organisation 101

Aiming to be more open one month may have clashed with needing to ‘say yes’ more or ‘say no’. No rulebook can really be used when one is maneuvering through life’s maze of everyday obstacles.

I decided to take a stab at redefining my approach to ‘facing a fear’.

I am really fond of Gretchen Rubin’s: The Happiness Project and Happier at Home.

She focused on a few simple ways to make her life happier each month whilst staying true to herself.


It’s all so easy to write a long list of resolutions or things we’d like to change without actually putting in the work to bring instigate it.

I wanted 2015 to be a little different.

In doing this, I decided to dust off my copy of The Happiness Project and revisit it for some inspiration.

Rubin sets herself 12 commandments that she reminds herself to live by whilst focusing on a set few goals each month.

Here are my personal Ananya commandments in no particular order, other than the order they popped into my head!

Don’t be scared to

  1. Be honest
  2. Be vulnerable
  3. Be Bold
  4. Be Kind
  5. Be Your Own Best Friend
  6. Be True to Oneself; Be Ananya
  7. Strive to Be Beauty-full, not Beautiful*
  8. Ask for Help
  9. Apologise when required; not excessively and not reluctantly
  10. Know when to say ‘yes’ and when to say ‘no’
  11. Stay committed
  12. Give 100% to everything
  13. Sing one’s praises
  14. Embrace Uncertainty
  15. Forgive
  16. Believe in miracles; Believe in the impossible
  17. Surrender the final outcome
  18. Do What Is Right, Not What Is Easy
  19. Laugh Often
  20. Challenge oneself but Know When to Rest
  21. Cry
  22. Be Still
  23. Be confident (enough to Go it alone when required)
  24. Fake It Until You Make It
  25. Celebrate The Little Things

The list will hopefully allow me to focus my energies when undergoing this personal challenge.

Managing to compile a list of 25 fears to attempt for the year I turn 25 indeed also makes me happy –

What’s that –?!

Celebrate the Little Things!


In addition to these ’25 Commandments’ I figured it should go hand in hand with a few goals that will hopefully lead on to that ‘bigger picture’ of ‘sorting out my life’. But you’ll just have to stay tuned for that list…!

Until then,

Namaste | from Ananya xo


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Namaste 2015!