Face A Fear Everyday :: It's Okay Not To Be 'Cool'

Face A Fear Everyday :: It's Okay Not To Be 'Cool'

....& no, I'm not a lying Pinocchio!

I think there’s a bit of all of us that longs to be seen as ‘cool’.

-That need to fit in.

-That need to be seen and acknowledged.

Have you ever felt self-conscious about wanting to share something you’re passionate about?

I know, what you’re thinking.

Sounds I’m just carrying on last month’s FAFE, right?

Yes. And No.

Giving up the need to be cool is kinda similar, I’ll agree, to wanting to do more of what you love.


It’s also slightly different.

Back to my example.

Have you ever felt self-conscious about wanting share something you’re passionate about?

Have you ever waited until something’s become ‘cool’ before you've felt ready to 'claim' it as something you’re into?


For me::

Meditating is something I've often tried & failed at when I was younger.

Coming from quite a spiritual family, I wanted to experience it but didn’t really understand until I read more into it.

Growing up though, it seemed a ‘normal’ thing in our family but I still felt quite apprehensive about sharing that with people for fear they’d call me a ‘hippie’.

In the last year, ‘meditation’ has surfaced time and time again; with my closest friends, with colleagues, in conversation with new acquaintances.

For some reason, meditation now seems to be a lot more ‘accepted’ and dare I say it….a ‘cool’ thing to talk about and start doing.

This of course comes as a welcome relief because I love to hear other people’s comments, suggestions and personal experiences but at the same time, it’s taught me a lesson.

By not feeling ‘cool’ enough or confident enough to talk about something that I genuinely find fascinating, I’ve unintentionally restricted myself.

By automatically assuming everyone I came into contact with would just scoff at me or call me ‘kooky’ (Thanks KP, loving this word!) I was being my own worst enemy and preventing myself from some of the most insightful and interesting conversations, advice and comments I've had.

So, this month.

I vow to give up the need to be cool.

Anything you’re planning on doing this month?

I’d love to hear from you!

Ana | The Asian Destination xo

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Do you have The Fear?


Chalo Chalo - Yalla Yalla!