The Perfect Cup of Cha(i)

Chai :: The Asian Destination

Now, everyone likes their tea in different ways. I’m not judgin’

The Asian Destination :: The Perfect Cup of Chai

But this is how my grandparents in India like it this way

So just in case you were hankerin’ after an authentic cup of cha here goes!

Heat saucepan of filled with water

The Asian Destination :: The Perfect Cup of Chai

Once the water starts to boil, add in desired quantity of tea leaves

The Asian Destination :: The Perfect Cup of Chai

Since my grandparents both like milk in with their tea and sugar, milk and sugar can be added in this stage however, if there are indivudals that prefer not to, then add milk and sugar accordingly to personal taste.

The Asian Destination :: The Perfect Cup of Chai

Glasto :: The Asian Destination

Leave the tea to brew with the leaves for as long as desired. For an authentic taste,

Filter through.

The Asian Destination :: The Perfect Cup of Chai

The Asian Destination :: The Perfect Cup of Chai

Serve and enjoy with a good old biscuit.

The Asian Destination :: The Perfect Cup of Chai

My maternal grandparents cool their tea through saucers.

The Asian Destination :: The Perfect Cup of Chai

The Asian Destination :: The Perfect Cup of Chai

The Asian Destination :: The Perfect Cup of Chai

How do you drink your tea?


Love & Blessings,

Ana | The Asian Destination xo

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