The Asian Destination - Shortlisted for Best Lifestyle Blog!

If I'm completely honest, I'm still pinching myself...!!

Cosmo Blog Awards 2014: The Asian Destination :: Best Lifestyle Blog

Monday evening, I happened to check Twitter to see The Asian Destination (@TheAsianD) being mentioned in a fair few tweets with #CosmoBlogAwards.

At this point, I was still completely oblivious.

Until I suddenly clicked on the link for the Cosmo Blog Awards and read the shortlist myself.

I couldn't contain my excitement but self-doubt crept over and for a split second convinced myself there was another blog with the same name...(anyone else have that mad panic of paranoia?!)

But no. Clicking on The Asian Destination took me right back to my own little space of the internet I've become so fond of.

More pinching occurred at this point...

But it gives me such a buzz inside to see The Asian Destination shortlisted for 'Best Lifestyle Blog' for the 2014 Cosmopolitan Blog Awards.


My Face A Fear this month was to do more of what I love & feel proud.

The Asian Destination has been something I've loved doing from the start and I have been so overwhelmed and humbled by people's support and that there are people that can relate to what I write about.

So thank you.

Thank you for ever taking the time to read, comment & share.

Thank you for seeing something special in The Asian Destination & helping it get this far - I am feeling so excited and flattered that it's been nominated for a Cosmo Blog Award.


If you enjoy The Asian Destination videos, posts or just my photos of food..!

Please vote for The Asian Destination


To vote, you do need to click all the way through before you reach the 'SUBMIT' button.

The Asian Destination has been nominated in the 'Best Lifestyle Blog' category which is step 6 out of 15


as an added bonus, you'll discover some really great blogs.

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Thank you so much!

Love & blessings,

Ana xo


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