Pleasantly Surprised!!

I was pleasantly surprised when I received an email the other evening that basically mentioned that someone had pressed this:

The email came from someone that I haven't heard in a while but has really encouraged me - so thank you!

I love hearing people's comments so if you do enjoy reading The Asian Destination then I'd love to hear from you.

I'm a person that doesn't always feel comfortable blowing my own trumpet. Slowly, slowly, I've become better because I've realised those that matter will be happy for your success rather than jealous and bitter.I love hearing people's comments about Pleasantly surprised is an understatement; I have been blessed with so much positivity, encouragement and support so thank YOU if you have ever taken the time to read and like a post, post a comment or just visit our twitter or instagram.The Asian Destination might not have the biggest following but that's okay. But just knowing that there are people that actively read it and can relate makes me so happy. Knowing people have gone out of their way to nominate TAD for a #CosmoBlogAward - I won't lie, that makes my heart flutter more than a TAD (yes, I did just do that! ;))The Asian Destination is not perfect, I'll admit. It's a work in progress, like the rest of us. If you've followed it from the beginning, you'll know that there have been major renovations and rest assured there's more to come. All I know is, I will continue to post about lifestyle, food and travel as well as keep up the #fafe.If you would like to nominate me for a #CosmoBlogAward then visit and click on the Cosmo Blog Award Nominate Me badge.Whether you do or you don't.Thank you so much for supporting The Asian Destination thus far & have a beautiful weekend ahead.Ana xo

Thank you so much!

Ana | The Asian Destination xo



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