Happy Bengali New Year! শুভ নববর্ষ (Shubhô Nôbôbôrshô!)

শুভ নববর্ষ - Happy Bengali New Year!

Happy Bengali New Year

So today is 'Poila Boishakh'

What now, you ask?!

'Poila' means 'first' and 'Boishakh' is the very first month in the Bengali calendar and thus today is celebrated as the start of a 'New Year' or 'Nobo borsho'!

Language lesson over.


Some little known facts for you -

-Poila Boishakh is a day for:

Cultural festivities

Wearing New Clothes

Offering prayers for the well-being and prosperity of the family.

- The month of Boishakh is seen as an auspicious time, for marriages, new businesses and new endeavours.


Whether you are celebrating or not, why not take the day ahead, auspicious for many, as a sign to start something new?


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