Sometimes you just need to get away from it all...


Sometimes you might need to just get away from it all, right?


It's not 'running away' as such but a change in surroundings is often key in personal growth. Not only this, it often helps to regain your focus and reaffirm why you started a particular goal in the first place.

My trip to India, as mentioned before, was more than an educational trip. It set me up with a new perspective for what I hope to achieve in 2014.


Do you remember our Destination: India post?

Well, for those of you that know me, Ana, quite well will know that it had been over a year since I'd visited India. Something inside was longing to visit and December 2013, I had my chance!


Although going to India is a trip to visit family, it also ends up being such an educational trip

What do I mean by this?

I learn more about myself: -

About the person that society feels 'we' should be, and about the person I want to become. As a British Asian or even just any Asian coming of age in 2014, there are stark differences, social stereotypes, perceptions and barriers that are still yet to be overcome.

The land of such rich history ignites a passion and love of my culture, my heritage and ethnicity. I feel pride, to have links to such a culturally diverse country. In addition though, my trips to India are always bittersweet.

I am reminded of the divides between classes, limiting beliefs that prevent the younger generation from fulfilling their potential and that's when I become overcome with gratitude.

Grateful for:

1. The opportunities I have, which others are devoid of. 

2. The freedom of choice, particularly knowing that other girls are being forced into trades, or partnerships they should not be. 

3. Education. Not just an academic education but an education in taking risks in order to strive for better, an education in accepting and celebrating diversity in all senses and an education in knowing that one must often be given the freedom to be independent, to travel alone and most of all, FLY. 

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Love | Ana

fromThe Asian Destination

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