Officially Allowed....FINALLY!


Is it just me this year or has the run up to Christmas been forever this year?

If you've been in the UK, you'll have seen adverts left, right and centre probably from about late September! Yes, even that was way too early for us...

However, for the last few weeks it has been an unspoken rule that we've not been allowing ourselves to feel 'festive' until December!

Well, December has finally arrived which has given the green light for all of us to start decorating houses, trees and ourselves!

Of course this festive season would not be complete without Christmas lights and London is known for its many.

We decided to brave Oxford Street in central London to light up your evening! How strange to think this is what it looked like at just gone 5pm!

Let us know how you're planning on celebrating the start of December & look out for more festive posts soon!


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3 Things To Remember For The Holidays